on A Cheetah Family: The Rise and Fall

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Heart wrenching! This circle of life thing is so sad sometimes. To prep for my londolozi visit I have started thinking in terms of animal v. animal (sad but acceptable) vs. human v. animal ( sad and very unacceptable). Otherwise, I’d have a game drive meltdown. 🙁


what a sad way to start my day! However, I know that nature can be cruel and this is part of life – as hard to accept as it is. What beautiful pictures and I am left wishing the mother a new litter of cubs soon and a happier ending….

Beautifully written, but so sad. Nature can be very hard and cruel.

Such a well written article that is really so sad ,had to stop what i was doing ,but it is nature and wish we could have helped those beautiful little ones.The photos are fantastic and unfortunately a wonderful memory and we all hope that they will try again with better luck in the future.

Bittersweet story told so lovingly. Thanks Mike, life in the bush is tough.

Jenifer Westphal

🙁 ….I was at Londolozi when it was discovered the female cheetah was nursing and was so hoping to still be there to see the cubs. I’m thrilled to have seen these photographs but so sad to hear of their demise. I can’t even imagine what you all must be feeling. Thank you for writing and sharing such a beautiful story about these gorgeous creatures.

Brian C

Well written and beautifully photographed. Motherhood is always a tough job, but can end so harshly in the African bush. This was a sad tale, but I hope the cheetah has better success raising her next litter.

The sighting of this “mother plus 4” was one of the highlights of our recent 5 days at Londolozi. Our photographs of them have brought joy to many friends and family around the world. The sighting will live on in our memory and the images will be a reminder of how privileged we were to be passing observers of their short lives.This cheetah has raised cubs to independence before and survived a serious leg injury. She is a strong lady and will no doubt bring new life to the bush in the future.

Thanks Mike for sharing the photos and the sad ending story. Now I know why we couldn’t find the cheetah while we were there, she must have been giving birth at that time!

Lynn Rattray

So sad….and hard to accept even so many miles away. Are the mother and two older cheetah cubs from a year ago still on the property? Are the cubs independent?

Senior Digital Ranger

Thank you Mike for the beautiful pictures of these precious bundles, that were given life for such a short time. Your write up is so sad I feel the pain that you are all experiencing. God Bless her to raise the next litter successfully.

S.w. Tsang

It was bad luck to have run into a pride

Jill Grady

I send my deepest sympathies to everyone at Londolozi for this terrible loss. So heartbreaking…I can’t even express the sadness I’m feeling over the loss of the little cubs. Life is so harsh out in the wild, and so unfair sometimes. Thank you Mike, for the very beautiful photos, and for writing what must have been a very difficult piece to have to write.

Sad news Mike, thank you for the heartfelt story and the beautiful images which pay tribute to their short lives.

Guest contributor

So well written mike, and your images … beautiful !

Beautiful images of the cubs. So sad that they were not with us longer.

Gail Rosenberg

beyond sad.

Karabo Thobejane

so well written.thank u for details heartfelt story

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