About the Author

Ryan James

Guest contributor

I am the Head of Development at Londolozi's not-for-profit partner organisation, the Good Work Foundation (GWF). GWF focuses on education, in particular helping people living in rural areas to connect to a new, digital Africa and all of its opportunities.

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on Linky Nkuna: From Camp Manager to the White House

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Master Tracker

What a great article. As with all businesses the real strength is with the people who work for it.

Thanks Ian. I agree 100%! Kate Groch always says: It’s the “human software” that counts.

Spectacular!! Is Linky willing to share a photo of her Vision Board? I, for one, would love to see it! They are so powerful.

Hi Rae. Great question! I have asked Linky to send me a photo of her vision board. Will you email me (ryan@goodworkfoundation.org) and I will send it to you. Thanks.

Linky you are the most inspirational person! I wish you all the luck in the world and being the great story teller you are I cannot wait to hear all about your trip… Best of luck my friend!! Sending you so much love

Nancy Armitage

Congratulations Linky. Jim and I remember her from years ago when she was working at tree camp. We remember her story of finding a snake skin in her room and after looking unsuccessfully for the snake had to try to sleep wondering where it might show up in the night.
She is truly a special person. We are so happy for her success and of her helping others to be successful as well.

linky Nkuna

Thank you everyone for your wonderful messages, encouragement and support.
@ Nancy, oh my world! How are you doing?How is Chuck? I have been thinking about you guys so much. How long has it been? WOW! So many wonderful memories

Linky, you are an inspiration to all young women and men–not only in your own village, but the world village, too. Best wishes for your continuing success.

Ah, Linky….what a super lovely human (who continually beats me in Scrabble.) Great interview…..Linky and Ryan…. Great story tellers both!

Links! What an a hazing opportunity! Langu must be so proud of his mommy! Can’t wait to hear all about then you get back!

Senior Digital Ranger

Congratulations Linky. You will have the experience of a lifetime in Atlanta and go knock their socks off Girl!!! Thanks Ryan for this inspirational write up of such a courageous young lady.

Thank you Wendy – as ever – for the wonderful feedback and positive energy. I am going to try to get a follow-up video interview with Linky and I’ll make sure I share it.

Kim Ettori

Awesome. So happy for you Linky. I am so glad that we visited the learning center during our wonderful stay at Londolozi It is an inspirational place!!

Steve Smith

What an inspirational story and one you wouldn’t automatically expect to hear from a safari Camp in Africa.!!

I am visiting Londolozi Mid September with Rhino and would love to meet this young lady.

Well done to all concerned

Linky Nkuna

Thank you so much everyone for your wonderful support and words of encouragement. @ Nancy, I cannot believe it’s really you. I hope you are well. Oh, the beauty that is internet. Thank you so much.

Guest contributor

Linky, so proud of you, so inspirational. You are AWESOME! Have a brilliant trip, look forward to hearing all about it.

Jill Grady

Fantastic Linky! I can’t wait to hear all about your trip to Washington! You are truly an amazing person and an inspiration to everyone!

Trisha Siegel

I had a beautiful experience the other day…
I was in a meeting at the US Embassy in Johannesburg a few weeks ago with the head of public affairs in SA… he was busy explaining some of the amazing initiatives they do and I had just heard about Linky’s accomplishment. I mentioned what she has achieved and the adventure she was about to embark on and said how amazing it was and the man said to me “you have no idea how amazing that is… that is a rare opportunity, awarded to very few, carefully selected individuals that have been identified as shining stars in the country. You should be very proud of your friend because this is a major accomplishment!”. There you go Linky, from the horses mouth! You are incredible and an inspiration to us all, across the globe. All the best in your adventure.

Byron Ross

Truly amazing Linky. Although I have chatted to you many times since, it is remarkable to read about your journey here and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to comment on it. Well done for being inspired and being able to inspire those young minds around you.

SOOOO beautiful!!! Linky, I wish you the best of luck in everything you do and hope that I can meet you on my trip in June. Congrats!!!

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