Involved Leopards

Marthly 3:2 Male

Marthly 3:2 Male

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Tutlwa 4:3 Female

Tutlwa 4:3 Female

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Vomba 3:2 Female

Vomba 3:2 Female

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Camp Pan 4:3 Male

Camp Pan 4:3 Male

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on Introducing a New Leopard Litter

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I’m not at all surprised that Talley and Freddy found them. An incredible team!

Wonderful news. More cats to wonder over in September!

Evette Hartig

We were at Londolozi the end of August beginning of September last year (2013) and witnessed a male and female mating. I’m not sure exactly which leopards these were, although I’m sure you do. I assume that female had cubs this summer, have they been seen?

Susan Nethery

Can you please explain the principals of spot-patterning? Which spots are you counting? Thanks.

Tom Dietrich

Wonderful images!!

Can’t wait to get back again…

Keep close tabs on these guys….we will be there in just two more months.

Thank you Mike I have a passion for Leopards and all wildlife of course. Hopefully by the time we arrive on 24th May the cubs will be more familiar with the vehicles. I look forward to reading your blogs every day and think its great how you keep us all informed. Look forward to meeting you all soon. Vivien

Jill Grady

Awwww, they are so beautiful, and they have such a good mother. It’s so sad that she lost both of her cubs in the flood in January 2013. It’s nice to see how well these two cubs are doing and hopefully will continue to thrive. Thanks for the great photos and update Mike!

Senior Digital Ranger

Thank you so very much.. It is always a privilege to see the newest generation..
They are beautiful and wish for them a long and healthy life..

Thanks for sharing your little corner of paradise!


Fantastic report and fantastic pics! such sweet cubs – I look forward to more reports of their adventures! Thanks so much!

Shardool Kulkarni

Didn’t the Tutlwa Female have 3 cubs in the December 2012 litter? By the way, can you tell me what happened to the daughter of the nottens female born in June 2006? There is a female called Calabash/ White Dam female territorial just south of Londolozi. She has a distinctive stained iris. Her origins are unknown to the reserve she is territorial on but they estimate that she is born around 2006-7, making her a possible match for the 2006 daughter of the late nottens female who is I believe not territorial at the moment on Londolozi. We are all eagerly awaiting the blog that you had promised on the Nottens female.

Henry Smith

“Got lucky”? I’m not sure Freddy depends much on luck… Nice post though: so great to see new Londolozi Leopards!


Love the difference in eye color between them!

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