on Lion Warfare: The Tsalala Pride Update

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Carole Minear

Thank you once again for a brilliant, thought provoking blog. We’re returning to Londolozi in August and the thought of being there once again is so exciting. Reading the blogs regularly makes me feel that I’m in touch with it all: we can’t wait to return! Thank you for the constant, brilliantly photographed updates. Carole Minear.

Shardool Kulkarni

Whose daughter is the Tsalala Sub adult female – of the Tailed or New Tail less female. Also, do you know whose cubs the Mhangeni females are, i.e., how many born to which lioness (Old Tail less, Tailed and New Tail less)?

Hi Mike,
Thanks for the interesting insight.
Was hoping for quite some time that the tailless female is pregnant.
Recently in January there was a blog, saying that DarkMane was monopolising the Tsalala-pride. I wonder whether there was already some mating with the 3 year young lioness ? When do the females normally start mating, I think she could start, but normally it is more likely around 3.5-4 years old ?
Best regards, Patrik

Mike, you are a true artist with a lens. Last shot a beauty. See you all in September.

Senior Digital Ranger

Wonderful update.. I think given time and luck the Tsalala will indeed reclaim some of their territory..
Great pictures and blog.. Can’t wait for the next installment.
Thank you for sharing!


Great article, so the youngest lioness is accepted by all four males? not just Dark Mane? thanks

Virginia Race

They have had it tough last year with losing BB. It’s strange how sometimes they will accept the cubs then they don’t. Last year or the year before there was one very small cub it disappeared looked like it was not wanted. I think BB kept the peace between the two prides, Why did there daughters not stay with the Tsalala pride.


Great blog and thanks for the update! I always appreciate the territorial map illustrations!

A couple of questions: Was the Feb ’11 female sired by the Majingis? And if so…why were they rejecting her?

Bader, she certainly is sired by the current coalition, the Majingilane males, however, it is believed that possibly only 1 or 2 of the mates mated with the females, therefore forcing the other males to question where the cubs came from as individuals. For this reason they never accepted the litter fully! Hope that helps!

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