About the Author

Ryan James

Guest contributor

I am the Head of Development at Londolozi's not-for-profit partner organisation, the Good Work Foundation (GWF). GWF focuses on education, in particular helping people living in rural areas to connect to a new, digital Africa and all of its opportunities.

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on Shadrack Mkabela and Ripples of Change

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What a FABULOUS post!! One person CAN make a difference!! Well done Shadrack!!! Thanks you for sharing and Happy Valentine’s Day to all @ Londolozi and the GWF!!

Happy Valentine’s Day to you too Geri. I will be sure to pass on your message to Shadrack!

Londolozi–You are absolutely a treasure for the people and animals in our world!

Congratulations Shadrack – what a fantastic example

Deb Kermisch

What an inspiration too bad there aren’t more people like you Shadrack. You should be very proud!

My wife and I will be at Londolozi in early May 2014 for a week with Mike Karantonis. We would be honored if we could have shadrack as our tracker. thank you for sharing this wonderful story, and thanks to Shadrack for making this a better World.

Hi Ed. What a great thought. I have sent your request through to reservations. We can’t promise anything, but we will try our very best!

Evette Hartig

What an inspirational young man Shadrack is. I hope Sipo and Sizwe pay it forward and help someone in need when the opportunity arises for them. We wish them all well and thank you Londolozi for the part you play in South Africa’s continued growth and betterment for it’s animals and people.

Evette, I will ask Shadrack to keep us up-to-date on Sipho and Sizwe. Thanks for sharing your positive words.

Wonderful story!

Jill Grady

That is just fantastic Shadrack, congratulations on your successes! You are a very kind, caring and hard-working man. It’s also really wonderful to hear about the great work that the GWF is continuing to do!

How wonderful to read of all the good things happening in your area…..Londolozi/GWF…unbeatable combination!

Mark Nisbet

An impeccable young man. Well done Shad!

Senior Digital Ranger

What an amazing young man! Well done Shadrack! Your family and friends must be so proud of you..
There is a saying: “To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.”
I am sure this is how those two young men feel about you.. You mean the world to them…
Thank you for being one who really means to make the world a better place.

Thank you MJ for sharing that quote. I have never heard it before, but it sums up this story perfectly. I’ll be sure to pass it on to Shadrack as well!

What a heartwarming story. Londolozi opens the doors for so many wonders for their guests and for the people who work there. We are looking forward to visiting for our third time next month and we can’t wait.

Stacy Peacock

My family and I were incredibly lucky to have Shadrack. His heart and his smile are both so big, I couldn’t help but being drawn to him. He is not only an amazing tracker, but also quite talented in helping me figure out the lighting and iso on my camera. Without his help, I would have never gotten the shots that I did. Thank you my friend.

Also, my family and I had the great honor of visiting the school talked about in the blog. The school there has done an amazing job with the little resources they have. The village itself is humble, and the people are so friendly. There is so much we take for granted here in the states. Many of these people have very little, but judging by the smiles on their faces, you would think they held the world in their hands. We brought with us school supplies, but my goal is to make yearly donations to help the school in anyway we can. These guides spend time away from their families to do the life changing work the do. Seeing “Shaddy” and his daughter interact at school was something that will always stay with me. Namaste my friend Shadrack. From Texas, namaste.

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