on Different angles to photograph a Leopard

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Hi Estelle, great to see you got some good shots in between the rain.
My favourite one is the Tsalala cub pocking his head out from the long grass that is glistening from the rain.
Kate Imrie


The cub of the tamboti female resembles the tu tones male more and more . What a beautiful young leopard!

Jill Grady

Great photos Estelle! They are all beautiful but the close up of the Leopard is also my favorite, with the black and white photo a close second! They are all fantastic!!

Beautiful black and white!

Elaine Randolph

Do you know the camera she used?


Hi Elaine, Nikon D5300 with a 55-300 zoom lens. A timely Christmas present from my husband and Trevor’s SLR top 10 tips … let the fun begin!

Fabulous photos Estelle!!!! Love all of them!

Senior Digital Ranger

Love them all but I have to say the leopard in the tree (with tail) is wonderful.. The face shot is just spectaular, you can count the eyelashes!!

Thank you for sharing

Fantastic photographs Estelle, I love the black and white image!


Many thanks for all the compliments, largely due to Trevor’s photo tips! As a novice photographer, much appreciated! A Wilks family best holiday at Pioneer Camp.

Estelle, thank you for sharing your beautiful photos! I love your favorite of the Leopard shots – I did not know Leopards had such beautiful eyelashes! I also love the black and white photo as well. So cool!

Senior Digital Ranger

Thanks Estelle for sharing these beautiful pictures. My favourite has to be the young Leopard with the pinkish nose & beautiful eyelashes, so much mischief in that face 🙂 The B&W is stunning, but I love the colour one.



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