on Eric reaches his dream after 18 years

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Thank you for sharing!! What a treat to see Capetown through Eric’s eyes!!! The ‘Nemos’ seem to be as intrigued by him as he was of them!!

Jill Grady

Fantastic Eric! I’m so happy to hear that you got to Cape Town and finally had a chance to see Table Mountain! It is such a beautiful city, with so much to see and do and taste as well, of course! It looks like you had a great two days there with Anna and I look forward to sampling more of your wonderful creations when we are back at Londolozi again!

What wonderful new tastes will come out of his kitchen!


Good for you Eric! Looks like you had a great time!

I am Glad he was able to experience all of that.

Guest contributor

So glad you had such an awesome time Eric. All that food looks amazing but my favourite pic is you in amongst all the “Nemo”.
Kate Imrie

Those Kalk Bay ice-creams are the best! Glad you had such a good time Eric 🙂

Eric congrats on your trip to Capetown! I need you and Anna to plan my next trip, it all looked so delicious!

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