on The Week in Pictures #114

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Senior Digital Ranger

I love portraits and I love the wild dogs so that is my favorite. I am trying to ID a photo of a bird I took there. I am not a birder but find them a challenge to photograph and like to know the names of the ones I get. Can you help?

Rowena Lafferty

Hey! Tsalala sub is Tsalala female. So happy to see the three lying there with the male.

Lynn Rattray

Love the photos! I was so glad to see the Nanga female, as I haven’t seen photos of her in a while. My favorite!

Sandy Johnson

My favs are the cheetah posing and the cubs with their dad.

Alan R

Love the wild dog

My favorite would have to be the male Lion with the cubs. I love family portraits!

Love the tail. I have a couple of my own of “the tail” that amongst favorite Lonfolozi photos. Thanks for keeping me in touch with all from halfway around the world.

Guest contributor

NEIGHBOUR! Awesome photos! well done

Campan is awesome as usual, but the elephant skin is beautiful & my favorite.

I loved them all, but the cheetah silhouetted against the sky took my breath away. We will be back at Londolozi on April 1st, no fooling—counting the days!

Jan wilkinson

How can I resist the unabashed trust of the baby lions cuddling with the king!


Great photos, The cheetah photo is my favorite!

Carol Robinson

Lovely, thanks Richard.

Jill Grady

Fantastic photos Richard…all of them! I love the eye contact you captured with the wild dog pup, so that’s my favorite I think. The photo of the Cheetah is also spectacular…and I don’t think there is anywhere else on Earth where the sunsets are as beautiful as in South Africa, which your photo has managed to capture so well. Thanks so much for sharing your photos…what a way to end the week!

Sergey Gorshkov

Thank you Richard. How often do you meet wild dogs in Londolozi?

Brilliant photos Rich, well done!

Senior Digital Ranger

Congratulations on your 1st Anniversary! Beautiful they all are, but the King of the Jungle with his kids is special, as is the Cheetah silhouette. Thanks for sharing & making my weekend special.

Guest contributor

A year already! Hope the second one is as good, look forward to some more pics.



I agree with Rowena, seeing acceptance of the now third Tsalala lioness is awesome! (way to go BiBi)

Lucien Beaumont

Great photo’s Bergkat!!!


Congratulations on your first year !!!Lovely photos .THe male lion bonding with his family is very special and so is the leopards and the cheetah.

Hi Richard, I know I’m late to this party so I’ll say I agree, the cheetah photo took my breath away as well, and I also love the b/w leopard tail. And sunsets always get me…every single one. Thank you!

Bo Cox

Hi Richard – I almost deleted all my Londolozi photos after seeing yours – you are some photographer……the Boomslang was awesome. Thanks for making our return trip to Londolozi more exciting that the first – didn’t think that was possible. Also thanks to Richard Siwela – quite a man.
Look forward to your next blog.

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