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James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on Lion Warfare: Territorial Shifts

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Thanks James for the insight on prides’ changing territories and activites. Long time I wonder about the Sparta-pride, and their cubs resp. subadults, and how they look like. Photos have been scarce recently. When I saw them in January, they were still cubs. It would be nice to see some actual photos, showing their growing stature and manes. Best regards to Londolozi!


Hi, thanks for this update, it is just when i start to follow the londolozi blog, the sparta pride was the center of this reserve, but lately all is about the tsalalas and the breakaways.

Thank you James. I wonder what will happen in the next 10 months before I return to witness the magnificence of Londolozi!

Sparta is my favorite pride right now, although the Tsalala pride holds a special place in our hearts now that we’ve seen them three years in a row. I will be glued to the blog until our next visit to see what takes place over the next 11 months.


THanks James. Great to hear the Sparta pride are on the rise again. Those five males shall lead to many interesting blogs in the future I am sure.

Virtuel Bliss

Thank you for this wonderful story about lion prides. I love every single lion: the adult males for their majectic strength, the lionesses for their hunting prowess, the cubs for their cuteness, and especially the young males for their sexiness. I hate to see lions fighting and killing each other. I wish they have vast territories with abundant preys, so they don’t have to fight over land and preys. When the Sparta pride expand and regain their territories, they would fight and injure the Tsalala pride. There will always be one pride expanding to the detriment of another. Please have videos of the Sparta young males. Greetings from Irvine, California, USA.


And those 5 young males come from the same pride the Mapogos originated from !


Thanks for sharing James. Lets hope all the youngster’s survive. Who are the fathers to these young males and other cups?

Hi Brandon,

the Majingilane are the fathers


Thank you James – all very exciting!

Thank you for sharing James! I truly LOVE S. Africa and Londolozi…..
Today it was reported that 2 male lions attacked and killed a lioness in a zoo in Texas. On lookers were horrified. One male grabbed her around the throat and suffocated her while another seemingly pinned he down.
I am not horrified by this. Saddened yes, because they were brought up in captivity. But, horrified? No. They were actually doing what they do…and she actually died a normal death IF she were in the wild. I am saddened by what may happen to the males. Who knows why they attacked her, but they were just being lions. I wouldn’t have known any of this behavior had it not been for our experiences and interactions with the teams @ Londolozi and others in S. Africa.
I LOVE them all and hope they live their lives freely, there.
Thanks for sharing~


Hi James, great story. Sometimes I forget that Lions are so territorial….

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