The elusive life of a young male Leopard is one that intrigues me. It is a life of escapism, hostility, loneliness, suffering, triumph and eventually dominance, if all goes to plan. It is a brutal introduction into the wilds that lay beyond the safety and care of a Mother Leopard. One that forces these young males into a life filled with challenges, encounters, experiences and loss. However, this tough life is one that is experienced by each young male when they are forced out of their Natal territories, away from their mothers and eventually out of the comfort of their fathers territories, forced to fend for themselves in lands of the unknown, where new Lions, Leopards and other predators are prolific.
Earlier this year I posted a blog on the Trials and Tribulations of Leopard cubs and their hardships faced within the first few months of being alive, it focussed on the early days in a young Leopards life, eating, playing, nursing and staying alive. This blog is aimed at the later stages in their lives, the time in a Leopards life when everything around them begins to fall apart and each relationship they ever knew crumbles and disappears within a few months.
As a young male Leopard begin to grow and mature, he needs to feed more to sustain his growth and this puts much pressure on its mother, who will have to share most of her meal with her ageing cub. As theory has it, when Leopards reach an age of 18 months old their mothers being to spend less time with them and begin to push them away, a natural process whereby the, now sub-adult, needs to learn what it is like to fend for itself, live a solitary life without the safety blanket of its mother. The fact that the young male now spends less time with its mother puts it in a vulnerable position as it now will have to hunt for itself and defend its kill against the threats of Lions, Hyenas and other Leopards.
Again, as theory has it, by 22 months the sub-adult should be independent of its mother and this is where the harsh realities of life as a Leopard kick in. With no support from its mother, it is now alone, faced with the challenges of the wilderness.
From this age, a young male will lead a nomadic lifestyle, seeking refuge from other predators and avoiding conflict wherever I can. It needs to be like a ghost within territories of other Leopards, avoiding interaction and conflict as much as possible. However, such confrontations are necessary for learning and a way in which a Leopard gains experience for its future success. In its nomadic lifestyle, a young male will wonder out of its Natal territory, away from the safety of its mother and its father’s territory, and will encounter other male Leopards, dominant in their own territories. It is estimated that a young male, independent from its mother can venture up to 24km from its home territory to new areas, scouting new hunting areas and in avoidance of other predators. On average, at the age of 4 and a half years, these males, if they survive battles, hunger, conflict, Lions, and injury, they will begin to challenge for their own territory and begin to dominate land and therefore take over female Leopards and their territories. A full circle of life, cub to adult, through many testing times.

Tall, slim tree with a deep fork, allows this male the comfort in the knowledge that his kill is safe.
There are currently 2 young males that are being seen on Londolozi, both photographed in this post, namely the Vomba Young Male and a completely unknown young male who has been viewed for the past 10 days. A true testament to their difficult lives, these 2 have both encountered Hyena’s on several occasions, have had their meals stolen and have, in true Leopard style, had to stash their kills in large trees away from danger.
Good luck to them both in the next few years, may they prosper and fight, learn and earn the right of passage into the world of a dominant male Leopard.
Written and Photographed by: Mike Sutherland
Love that last pic! Nice post Suthers.
Absolutely love the blurred one…. But actually love them all!
fantastic photos. i love learning more and more about these beautiful leopards. keep posting updates of these 2 young males, also when thex might get their own names 🙂
Nice blog post Mike. Keep it up.
Mike, what is the size of Londolozi’s territory? And for example how large an area does the gorgeous, but ever thieving Camp Pan reign over? Good to see a new young male at Londolozi – which area was he seen in? Sorry so many questions – we do love this blog, and greatly appreciate your stunning photos.
Mike–simply awesome pictures of the life of a young one.
We appreciate your stories that give us further insight into the lives of these beautiful and amazing cats.
Wonderful pictures and wonderful text as well. Congratulations….
Hello Mike,
Your unknown young male is Torchwood male (named by Cheetah Plains). He was born on November or early December 2010. At the time of his birth, his mother’s territory was mostly on the Torchwood property.
Mother : Inkanyeni female; father : Mvula male. By his father, he has 4 half brothers : Wabayiza male, born November 2010, to Thandi female (daughter of Karula female and Jordaan’s male aka Yambilu-Jordaan); Buhuti male, born November 2012, to Thandi female; and 2 unnamed males, born probably late December 2012, to Karula female (daughter of Safari female and Mafufunyane/Gowrie male/Son of Paradise Valley female).
Grandmother and grandfather on his maternal side are Beacon female (deceased date unknown) and Jordaan’s male aka Yambilu-Jordaan (deceased end of July or so 2012). By his grandfather, Jordaan’s male aka Yambilu-Jordaan, he is apparented to Karula’s female 3 first litters.
Grandmother and grandfather on his paternal side are : Outcrop female and Beaumont/Tumbela male. That means that he has probably a lot of family blood in the sector he is now.
He has an uncle, Rupert/Beacon male, who is dominant in Manyeleti Game Reserve (Tintswalo and Honeyguide), from a previous litter than his mother, same parents.
Some dates in Torchwood male nomadic life :
7 Jun 2013 : Last photo of him in the North by Karin van der Merwe (Nkorho)
23 Jun 3013 : Photo by Richard de Gouveia (Sabi Sabi)
15 Aug 2013 : Photos from Leopard Hills (photographer to ID)
18 Sep 2013 : Photo from Inyati (photographer to ID)
27 Sep 2013 : Photo by Johan de la Rey (Leopard Hills)
9 Oct 2013 : Photo by Johan de la Rey (Leopard Hills)
7 Nov 2013 : Photos by Mike Sutherland in Londolozi blog
Characteristics :
3-3 (on his left side 2 spots look like being glued together
1 tiny spot near the nose between 1st and 2nd whisker rows
Above his eyes :
2 oblique lines from our top left to down right (backslashes)
an X shape inherited from his mother, Inkanyeni female
a heart shape inherited from his maternal grandfather, Jordaan’s male aka Yambilu-Jordaan
His eyes have a blueish tint.
Is there more to say?
Yes, please Mike, could you give me a date for the photos of him in your blog?
And with the help of all lodges and game reserves there is a chance that we might be able to follow him through his nomadic life and eventually know where he will eventually settle.
Thank you for this verrrry interesting blog.
Thanks for the info on the struggle of survival. Such a hard life.
Excellent post! Gorgeous photos and you really captured their story in such a beautiful way. Well done.
Thanks for the lovely story -though in a way quite sad.The photos are absolutely stunning!!I don’t think you guys will ever know how much your stories mean to all the wild life addicts.Please keep it up !!!
Claire! thank you so much!! this is such a great help, and so greatly appreciated! Could you contact me on so i could send you more pics and dates etc? Kind Regards!
Mike, thank you so much for this. I was lucky enough to spend some time 2 mornings running in Feb this year watching the Vomba female (4th year running I’ve seen her) with her male cub. After hearing via the blog that she was missing and presumed dead, I’ve been wondering ever since how he was coping. Given the circumstances, would he be able to stay within her territory?
Hello Mike,
Email sent to you!
Awesome Suthers!!
Incredible last photo, capturing the eye contact and the flying bark!
Mike, amazing photos! Thanks!