on Charlotte on safari

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Carol Robinson

Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos – a print for every room! So special, I loved them all.

Ron and Patrice Meckler

Very nice photos…

We will soon return to Londolozi (in 12 days). We saw no cheetahs during our first visit 2 years ago. Hopefully, the cheetahs will ‘allow’ us to photograph them this time.
It has been enjoyable viewing everyone’s photographs the past few weeks and anticipating our upcoming trip.

Good for you for renting the 7D and the 100-400. And, good for Londolozi for making such high end equipment available to guests. In my 3 trips there, I frequently heard from my fellow travelers that they wished they had a better camera or a longer lens.
Your investment paid off. Great shots.
Question for Kate about the leopard cub. Could this be one of Tamboti’s? The pattern of spots on the right side of the cub’s face looks familiar.
Jo Lynne

Hi Jo Lynne,

That is exactly right, it is Tamboti’s cub. Unfortunately there is only one cub left.

Hope you and Fred are well!


Wow, stunning pictures Charlotte. rich

Kerry Robinson

What beautiful photos Charlotte, I love your little leopard.


Charlotte they are fabulous photographs, you must be thrilled to bits – lovely to see them, thanks.

Senior Digital Ranger

A great idea to rent cameras. That way you don’t have to carry your own through the airports. Also, you could bring two lenses and one body and rent one compatible body and take both on game drives for different shots without changing lenses and losing the shot in the time it takes. Is there a list of what you have for rent anywhere on the website?

Hi Leslie.

Click on this link and it will take you to the PDF of equipment available: http://www.londolozi.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Photographic-equipment-copy.pdf



Wow! Absolutely beautiful!!


You have lived up to your reputation! They are wonderful!

Great photos! What a great idea to rent equipment. I would definitely do that. My camera equipment has become so heavy and with the weight restrictions traveling throughout Africa, it makes it very difficult to pack. Also nice not to have to carry it on such a long trip. A much more carefree vacation!

Senior Digital Ranger

Thank you Charlotte for these stunning pictures! Yes, what a great idea to hire, especially if you are flying in. Come back soon so you can post more – please? 🙂
Thanks to the two Rich’s for taking her to all these wonderful sightings – lovely

Richard Burman

Awesome pictures Charlotte, it was such a pleasure watching you grow as a photographer in the space of a few very action packed days. Richard No.1 sends his regards.

Thanks all, what a wonderful treat to have that great camera equipment available…of course I couldn’t have gotten as many good ones without the help of Mr. Richard (#2) Burman…his help was very much needed.
We had a fabulous trip and are already talking about our next adventure there…Soon, C

I am so glad that you were able to capture such wonderful images Charlotte! Thank you for allowing us to share them! We look so forward to your return visit. Kate X

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