About the Author

Boyd Varty


Boyd completed his basic schooling by studying the curriculum of a typical Western educational system while traveling the African bush to restore ecosystems, living in India and Europe to deepen his understanding of language and culture, and reading broadly to absorb a standard ...

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on For my Friend

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Elisabeth Douglas

Thank you Boyd for the wonderful and true words of Solly. He was such a wonderful man. We miss him
so much and will always remember him with greatfulness. Elisabeth and Gustaf Douglas

What a sad, sad loss. Sol will be missed by so many. His beaming smile, his great big bear hugs, his booming voice, his gentle nature, his incredible knowledge. To our family, Solly epitomised everything that was wonderful about Londolozi. We will so, so miss you Solly. Rest in Peace my friend. Carter family


A beautiful tribute to a King of a Man.
Deepest sympathy to Solly’s family and all his friends at Londolozi.
How privileged you have all been to have been touched by this Giant Soul.
RIP Solly


A fitting tribute to a legend…


Paul Laing

Beautifully written Boyd. Solly would have been so proud. Brings back so many memories.


This sounds like a true human being sadly missed by all who knew him, I am the poorer for not knowing Solly, I too lost my husband many years ago, truthfully tho he remains in my heart as Solly will for all who knew & loved him. sk

Senior Digital Ranger

Boyd, I have never been to Londolozi, never met Solly, but what a beautiful tribute to a giant of a man. You will miss him terribly, but with that courageous spirit, he will live on for years to come and protect you all.

RIP Solly

Senior Digital Ranger

Sorry to hear of the loss of Solly, and a loss of a great friend to Londolozi.
What better tribute to a man than to be remembered as being a great teacher and sharing his gifts to the world. His journey her is over, but his legacy lives on. Peace to to you all.


We were fortunate enough to spend a few days with Adam and Solly last August. We had the time of our lives, and a big part of that was watching Solly work. He seemed to have no equal out in the bush, and his skill and direction made it possible for us to see so many wonderful things, and bring back so many fond memories.
Our deepest condolences to his family and friends.
We shall always remember him with a smile in our hearts.


my husband Howard and I were fortunate enough to visit Londolozi in Sept 2010 and to get to know Solly and Adam. How shocked and saddened we are to hear this news. I am heartened by the love Solly showed to so many, and to the love coming back to him, to his Londolozi family and beyond. I don’t know if his family is connected via social media, but I do hope they see these tributes; perhaps in some small way the thoughts and remembrances of many whose lives Solly touched may help to comfort them in their grief.

Deepest sympathies to Solly’s families – Not a day passes without my thoughts going to Africa, the people, the wildlife and the teachers and guides who show us their world.


Yusuf Ansari

A moving tribute to a Londolozi Legend. My thoughts and prayers with all those who were Solly’s family and friends, who knew him and loved him…


A wonderful tribute Boyd to a very special human being.
RIP Solly.

Beautifully written and so fitting for such a splendid man. Thank you Boyd. He will indeed be missed terribly, however, we take his teachings with us each day in the bush and will always know the angels are going to become Master Trackers.

This man taught me so much. Everything I knew about the bush. He allowed me to grow in confidence and allowed me to connect to the earth. He loved me to take the credit and limelight when in fact it was him and his presence which was the very backbone of our safari experience. He was so understated and yet so present. His smile was glorious. Solly – our connection way surpassed a normal friendship…we could have entire conversations without ever saying a word. He was an impeccable gentleman and one of my best friends. It was an honour to call him a teammate and to work together. We spent countless hours sitting side by side and like Boy my favourite memories are of the walking and tracking. He really was gifted. Thank you Boyd for your words. Solly, my friend, I will miss you more than you will ever know. You made my time at Londolozi all that more amazing. Thank you.


Beautifully said, Boyd. Solly was a lovely man, and such a core part of the Londolozi family. We will all miss him and continue to think of him often. Please convey our sympathy to the entire staff at Londolozi.

Thank you for posting! I have visited Londolozi only twice but was fortunate to go on over 20 drives with Solly. You captured his demeanor so eloquently when you said he was understated and an international hero. To understand his tracking ability is a sight to be seen. What seemed impossible was possible and magical with Solly. His smile and laughter his tales of the bush will always be remembered.

Kathy Buys

A beautiful tribute Boyd – your pain must be immense! We are grateful that Daniel had the privilege of working with him as his tracker this last while – he has been privileged to have connected with such a great man. RIP Solly

Janice Capuani

He must have been an amazing person. Love and peace to all his family and friends.

Sal Roux

generous and gracious with both his time and knowledge, enthusiastic and passionate about his craft, embracing and warm with those who had the delight and privelage of walking with him at their side…a special man indeed and a fitting loving tribute…bye bye Solly…we will miss you
Sal and Eugen

Klaus Krueger

Solly was our tracker at Londolozi last year and we will never forget his spirit, kindness, patience and advise… never trust the water. He was always there when needed. A modest man with a very big heart. We will never forget you and the joy you brought to our lives.
Klaus Krueger

John Holley

Such a great man and such a massive loss.

Our love and thoughts go out to the Londolozi family.

I cannot believe what I am reading ………. we last visited Londolozi for Claudia’s birthday, and for Martin meeting Solly was an incredible time. We were all so emotional saying our goodbyes……
Solly was a great soul and will be sorely missed. We’re thinking of you all and sending our love and condolences to both Solly’s family and the Varty/Londolozi families.

A very sad loss. He will not be forgotten!

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Londolozi family.

Michael, Terri, Max and Mikayla Klauber

Love to all the Londolozi family suffering the loss of this marvelous, kind man. Beautiful tribute, Boyd.

Matthew Browne

I have never met Solly, nor visited Londolozi – and never have I been so touched by a memoir of one who I would have love to have known.

To those who knew him, I admire you, for true treasure is made of not what you have, but who you are.

Such a profound man will surely live on for many years to come and in many hearts.

Solly – what an incredible man you were.

Solly tracks in a special part of Heaven

Christine Wolff

I send my deepest respect! The portrait of Sol here is a beautiful tribute to his life and gifts. He lives on so vividly with so many people around the world. He made life richer for us.

Laureen Kerslake

R.I.P Solly….

I am shocked. I had the pleasure to meet him and Adam last year as guest of Pioneer Camp.
I got to know him very little, but he was always friendly and helpful without any attitude.
When he drove me back for leaving the camp from Londlozi Airfield he made a detour just to show me the female lions with its cubs. I will remember him as the quiet one sitting on the front and searching for animals with such a brilliant eyesight I never understood.
Rest in Peace Solly

Armin from Germany

Rest in peace Solly,

Condolences to your family , friends, and Londolozi


What an honour to have been acquainted to one of the great Leopards of Londolozi; what an honour to have his indelible tracks laid along our paths. Deepest condolences to the Londolozi family.

Evette Hartig

I never had the privilege of meeting Solly and yet tears fill my eyes and I feel the loss of such a special man, what a beautiful heart felt tribute.

A moment…that’s how long it takes for 1 person to make a lasting impression. We met Solly for a moment at Londolozi with Richie and John. They were as family to each other and spoke a quiet language in hushed tones and hand gestures we could only try to understand. Ultimately, we saw what they always new was there….amazing what 1 quiet moment teaches you about communication.
God speed and condolences to the entire family.

Lynne and Dan Van Engel

We were with Daniel and Solly just over a week ago. We thought that they were both wonderful.
We are wondering what happened.
Lynne and Dan Van Engel
Wilderness Travel Tour

Frank Dwyer

Just over a week ago we were walking and driving in the bush with Daniel and Solly. He left an incredible impression on our group, with his knowledge, his passion, his sense of humour. I have had messages from all of them from various parts of the USA and Canada – messages of appreciation for the value he added to their trip. Our association was for a few days but we will all remember him for our lifetime. Condolences to his family and the Londolozi family. Frank Dwyer, group leader, Wilderness Travel & Call of Africa

Jahanavi Bhaskar

My family and I came a to Londolozi a few years ago and had the immense pleasure of being looked after by Solly ‘Ingwe’ and Simon Bellingham. Just last week I told my husband that one day I would take him to Londolozi and we would go around with Solly, the legendary tracker, the leopard man, my friend. The man changed me in the short time I knew him, he infected me with his love for leopards and his passion for wildlife. He was the man who proved to me that within sixty minutes of being in Londonlozi you could see not just 1 leopard but 2 and watch them make a kill. I remember watching him gently reprimand a young elephant and when you saw him up in that tracker seat, you knew here was a man who was one with nature. Solly you taught me so much, how to see the little things, to notice the unseen, you taught me that birds can be just as interesting as lions because everything has its own place in this world and that patience is the greatest reward in the wild. You inspire me to always give back to nature as it gives to us.
We will miss you Solly and while I wish my husband could have met you, I will still come back to Londolozi and know that you live on in my memories, in Londolozi and in the ‘Ingwe’ you have helped protect. You will always be in our hearts.
Jahanavi Bhaskar Laag, Vedika Bhaskar, Adita Bhaskar & Sanjay Bhaskar

Simon Bellingham - Indri Ultimare Wil...

and so it is that after so little time together you join the ranks of those good friends who have made me laugh and cry! I hope you have an enjoyable journey and thanks for your guidance in this one! Thanks Solly


My sincere condolences to family and friends. A great loss for the Londolozi family. As I have read the above, you were a great person. Thank you very much. Rest in Peace Solly.


Rest in peace Solly. My condolences to his family, friends and to the Londolozi family.


Very moving words Boyd. Solly was a big loss, you must feel very priviledged to have been mentored by him. Our thoughts and love are with the Londolozi family.


Hi Boyd & All at Londolozi,
Allthough I have never had interaction with Solly, he was always the very smiling face when I saw him on my various visits to Londolozi. What a fitting tribute to your mentor Boyd!
We ask God to be with his family at this time, and my condolonces to them and to you all at Londolozi.
A very sad loss!
Kind reagrds,

Jackie Orange

As part of a recent small Wilderness Travel group at Founders Camp, my husband Frank and I had our sixth game drive with Solly and Daniel Sunday morning April the 28th, before we sadly left to return to Canada. What an honour and privilege to have our first meeting with a tracker be Solly. How professional he was in what turned out to be his final days. How shocking to us that this amazing and strong man could be taken so quickly. Our deepest sympathies to his family, friends and admirers.

To Boyd, the Varty family and the entire family at Londolozi,

I’ve only known Solly through the stories and pictures that many of you have shared with us during our stays at Londolozi. Your love for this amazing man shown through then, and continues to shine now. May the memories of this incredible man and all he’s meant to you all continue to shine on you and leave you peace. All our love, The Westphal Family

Nick and Ali Gatehouse

We send all our love to all at Londolozi. What a void there must be, our encounters with Solly were truly memorable; amazing tracking, walks in the bush and incredible patience with the children’s many questions. We are thinking of you all, and especially Solly’s wife and family during this very difficult time. We will miss you, Solly!

Carl Douglas

Solly-man. You are an inspiration, particularly because You do not seek it. You are a guide in so many ways, particularly because You do not know it half the time. You are a true gentle man as well as a gentleman in so many ways, particularly because You make no effort, no biggie You would say. You are such a sharing soul, all natural.
It was a honour sharing some time with You!
Hallelujah and Cool Bananas, Brother!

Natalie Elliot

Thinking of you all at Londolozi and Solly’s family – beautifully written Boyd! So sorry for your loss.

Heather Fleeger

We had the privilege of having Solly as our tracker during our visit to Londolozi in Sept 2011. No words can describe the sadness we feel by hearing the news of the loss of this incredible man. The knowledge and passion he brought to the bush everyday was inspirational. Thinking of you all.

Trevor & Colleen

Wonderful tribute Boyd
Condolences to the family and Londos family.

Never forgotten by so many who met him. I do believe the tracks in heaven will be in soft sand for this remarkable man.

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