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Adam Bannister


Londolozi Alumni

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on A Sad Goodbye

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Good luck Adam.

David Boon

Best of luck Adam. Been great reading your posts for Londolozi as well as to going out on game drives with you when we visited a few years ago – was a wonderful experience and we thoroughly enjoyed your hospitality.

Kari Moers

Thank you Adam!!!! You will be missed by me very much! Hope you have many great adventures and blessings ahead.


God Speed son, thanks for reigniting the passion in so many of us through your posts…

Zach Hershman

Good luck to you in your future endeavors.

I’ve only seen Londolozi through the camera and words of you and the rest of the staff at Londolozi yet because of this great blog I have felt like I was there in person. I thank you for taking the time to share your experiences with us and hope that will continue with wherever you end up in the future.

Pat Haines

Thank you Adam for all the wonderful pictures and for bringing the bush to my computer! Good luck in your new venture.


Thank you very much Adam for letting us participate in your daily adventures over the last years. Your blogs will be missed! All the best and good luck for whatever you will be doing moving forward.


Wow Adam! What amazing stories you have brought to life and such precious memories shared. Your blogs will be sorely missed! I hope your future endeavours stir as much passion for each day as seems to have been the case at Londolozi! Best wishes for the future!


Good luck in whatever is coming next for you Adam. It’s been amazing reading your blogs and looking at your pictures, the way you have brought Londolozi alive for us has been fantastic ! You’ll be missed !


You have been so special. Your live updates mixed with emotions and suspense, lion warfare and many more will be missed! Wish you good luck whichever career path you take!

Susan Honnell

Thank you Adam for an incredible soul stirring STAR adventure, your spectacular photos, and sharing the Londolozi magic with us through this blog. Life changing encounters for which I will be forever grateful.

Sandra Hurel

Thank you Adam for this wonderful article and for these beautiful photos. The first time I came to Londolozi in 2009, you were my ranger and I keep great memories from this trip. Good luck.

Thank you Adam for your blogs, your photographs, but most importantly your stories and your passion for all that is Londolozi. Good luck with your next adventure!

Warren Pearson

Adam, very few people will truly understand the mix of emotions you are going through. Londoz gets into your soul. Thanks a mill for all the blog posts and all the best for what the future holds for you.

The only thing that made this farewell tolerable (almost tolerable) is having the pleasure of seeing some of your favorite memories. Best of luck in whatever life has in store for you.

Juan Jose Rubio Coque

Thank you Adam for all the info, moments and pics shared with us along these years.
Your last blog is fantastic with pictures full of emotion.
I wish you the best wherever you. Greetings from Spain

David Dampier

Sad to see you go but I’m am sure your next chapter will be just as exciting. Has been an absolute pleasure working with and I am sure we will see you back here soon.


Claire and Paul

We were privileged to have come to Londolozi last year as a 50th birthday surprise and lucky to have had you and Solly to be our Ranger and Tracker. I will miss your blogs like many others but am so fortunate to have my first hand memories and photographs to relive my experiences.

For me my personal favourites with you were our mad off road journey (some of which I videoed) to see the 2 Mapogo at the giraffe kill with the watching leopard, our Majingilane sightings and your stories about them (I love the lions best too) my walk in the bush with Paul, you and Solly enjoying the little creatures, (so special), our silent 15 minutes on our first night on the runway with Janet in her “net outfit” listening to the bush and watching the stars (emotional and indescribable) and the morning we sat in the jeep with you in the river bed as Camp Pan walked up to us stopped, looked up then carried on and we could hear his footprints in the sand as he walked (a life’s magical moment).

Whatever you will be doing Adam and wherever you may go good luck

Carpe Diem x

Adam, thank you for all the enjoyable articles over the years – I will miss them. I hope to see you personally before you leave. Go well.


Goodbye and good luck Adam ,the stories and the pictures you have shared with us have been fantastic I for one will miss them ,I wish you success in whatever you do in the future thanks again .Keith


Beautiful post … good luck with your new adventures!!


Farewell Adam. It was a priveledge to get to know you on my visits to Londoz and yours to Phinda. Awesome photographs and well written articles. I hope you continue having fun on your many future adventures. All the best wishes to you

Bryan Aylmer

Go well Adam, your blog was fantastic and was a welcome break during the dreary Joburg work day.

Is your father Anthony Bannister? One of my first wildlife books I got as a young boy was done by him:)


Adam, its been an amazing journey having you contribute to the blog and develop as a writer, photographer and filmer. I hope to continue to watch your creativity and outlook on life evolve even further. Rich


Thank you for the wonderful post, also for your blogs at Londolozi. I enjoyed it very much. Goodbye and goodluck.

Hi Adam,

it was a pleasure meeting you and Solly last October at Londolozi.
And your contributions to the blog were always very inteesting with great fotografs.
Wishing you all the best!



I wish


Great blog posts. Thank you. Good luck on your new journey. I can’t imagine how exciting and how hard a decision it must have been for you to take the step! All the best.

Colleen Holland

I will miss you. Xoxo


Spread your wings young man – and fly – the world is yours


A sad goodbye for sure. I’ve loved all the blogs/photos & updates. Please keep in touch.
I’m sure the future will bring you great things.

What a joy it has been to see your pictures and read your words over the past years! You have reawakened, for me, the sounds, smells and sights of Londolozi every time! Thank you!
Can’t say ‘Goodbye’! How about….

Good luck! Best wishes! See you again!


i sit here across the atlantic in usa, unable to join the many who have been fortunate to visit africa , and be able to see the wonders of africa through your eyes I want to thank you for all of your stories and pics and may your new adventure be joyful, safe and full of wonderful surprises.


Life is a journey – good luck to you as you continue your journey.


Wishing you all the luck in the world, Adam, as you set off for your next adventure. Thanks so much for all you’ve given Londolozi, and to the STARs, too.

Gail Woloz

God bless you Adam. You are one amazing man, guide and mentor to many I am sure! I only hope our paths cross again somewhere in this world. I have so enjoyed your blogs and photos! You and Solly were one hell of a team and will forever be in my memory of our time in the bush at Londolozi!

Thank you also for your expertise and Londolozi spirit – truly a most special place in the bush! Whatever you do, wherever you go……I am sure the entire Londolozi team with always be with you!

You are simply the best Adam……….may your footsteps now lead you in a direction of further discovery. All best best.

Sean Cresswell

You photos just show the true passion and love for the bush by you as well as all other staff involved. It is an absolute pleasure to see such a great group of people doing what they do best. Cannot wait to get back into the sabi sands asap after reading that and scrolling thru your pics. Best of luck!

I wish you all the luck as you journey forward for yet more adventures in your life. I feel privileged to have ad the pleasure of meeting you and having you as my guide twice. Your writing is engaging and captures the essence and the emotion of the bush. Your photographs just make me want to come back and see what you get to see on a daily basis.

All the best,

Benay Dara-Abrams

Thank you SO MUCH for being such a wonderful guide during our STAR last June! I remember the time you drove us around to a shack where we watched the elephants walking down to the water – what a magical moment!!

I wish you all the best in your new adventures!! If your travels ever take you to California, let me know. We’d be happy to host you and show you around.

Sending you big hugs and lots of good luck,

Senior Digital Ranger

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Those words just don’t seem adequate somehow, to express the joy you have given us who follow you blogs. We always wait with anticipation for the next.
We appreciate the time you have shared with us and you will be sorely missed.
Have a wonderful journey and may you find your hearts desire.


Thank you so much that you have shared your passion, your stories and your photos.
Will miss it for sure!

I want to wish you all the best and good luck for your future!!


Thank you for all the memories. Your love for this magical place has shown through in every word, photo, and track you’ve followed. I am grateful to have been a passenger along for the ride. I know this is a bittersweet goodbye.

Many new adventures await. Sending you off with so much love and appreciation.



Adam, I have long enjoyed your blog posts, and I was so thrilled to be able to see Londolozi with you and Solly when we visited in August. We were overwhelmed with all that you showed us (the tailless female’s cub, the Dudley Riverbank and her cub, a charging hippo, a very active hyena den and a million other things large and small). I loved that I learned so much! You were a wonderful teacher for us, and I wish you the very best.


Tjhank you isn’t enough. Wishing you the joy & happiness you have brought with your heart-warming comments and breathtaking vistas. Good luck in all your journeys–and if you ever get to Northern California, we have acreage for you to explore.

Ginny Race

Adam, once again thank you for your amazing photos, looking back at them is great, the one story that stays in my mind was your write up on the Lost cub, it was a very moving story and one I will remember. It would be hard to leave all this hehind, all the best

All the best, Ad-man!

Some awesome pictures which brought memories flooding back. Not a day goes past in which I don’t think of and miss that special place: the animals, its people and ‘the feeling’.

Famba kahle!

Carl Douglas

Hey Bro!
So much love! Love and respect that You have given and give to the bush and those that inhabit it, and to us few privileged to experience it with You. And You see it here in these comments. Love is a good thing. It has been said that we are but mirrors … You are a great mirror then!
My mother cried today, but we agreed not to fly the flag half-mast … but chose to celebrate at full mast. All the best in all Your wanderings on the great Walkabout that some call LIFE!
and Pauline.

Adam, Thank you for the way you have kept us up to date and inspired with the goings on at Londolozi through your stories and photos. As our guide, you showed us the special magic of Londolozi and helped connect our family for life to that beautiful place. You taught us the “way” of Londolozi. We will be sad not to see you again next August when we will be back, but hope to see you in the States sometime. We will think of you often and hope to see you again soon!

Michael, Terri, Max & Mikayla Klauber

Beryl Mansell

Thanks Adam for being a great ranger and for all your blogs and photos.
Enjoy your future travels. I am sure you will have plenty of excitement and fun.
Hope to catch up with you later this year.

Best of luck in your new adventures – where ever they may take you.

Adam…you just couldn’t wait…until me and my friends, Mike & Judy, returned to Londolozi this December. I was going to insist upon on meeting you, to thank you in person for all the wonderful blogs and photos you have shared. We seem to share a special fondness for trees (stationery). That’s my specialty. I leave photographing the animals (moving) to my friend.

You’ve made me understand your feeling of family.

I’m so sorry I won’t get to meet you…but I do feel I know you….And as far as I’m concerned you can always come back to the Londolozi blog to say hello and let us know how and what you’re doing.

God speed. All the best in the future!

Jessica Ourisman

Adam, I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to go on game drives with you during my short stay at Londolozi and to hear all of your stories and insights, especially about the Lions. Your contributions to the blog and the Londolozi family will surely be missed. Best of luck to you on your next adventure!


Thank you for your time with us when we were there. And for extending our experience with your words and images on the blog. May we always have our lions, leopards and cheetahs!
Best wishes on the next stage in your journey. Be generous with sharing what you have learned at Londolozzi!

Janell Grazzini Frantz


Your final blog brought tears to my eyes. Tears of sadness at Londolozi’s loss of “a most special” ranger; tears from the sad realization that this will be the final blog from you; bittersweet tears of joy and awe in your final, stunning collection of photographs and musings.

Adam, your excitement and unbridled joy at showing us the animals, the terrain, indeed Londolozi, infected us with the same excitement and joy with every game drive – no matter what the sightings were – we could barely wait to see what the next drive would bring and what you would share with us. The countless, unbelievable memories trip over themselves in mind. You made our time at Londolozi beyond compare.

And when we returned home, out of sorts at having left such a magical place, the gift of your heart felt, exqusite and touching blogs kept Africa, Londolozi and your beloved lions vibrant and alive for us.

Thank you for giving us the experience of a life time and for keeping the memories alive.

Godspeed and good luck. You wil be missed.

Janell & Bob

Anne Gordon

With an experience like what you’ve had at Londo, you will never be far from it I’m sure. In this sense, good-bye’s are relative. I only spent five glorious days there and it still lives with me everyday. I’m sure it will live in you everyday too. Thank you for making my experience at the June 2012 STAR so incredibly awesome! I will never forget the wild high speed river bed drive with you and the other STARs. Off the charts! My guess is another fantastic adventure awaits you. A pleasure to know you and thank you for your writings, it has helped me feel connected to Londo after I returned home. Best of luck to you Adam!

Evette Hartig

Thank you Adam, for all your wonderful blogs and photos. You kept Londolozi alive for all of us. I hope to meet you someday, and wish you all the best I know the people, land and creatures of Londolozi will always be with you

Jan wilkinson

Adam, you are a true poet. Your pictures and heartfelt accounts have made me fall in love with the families of Londolozi — human and otherwise. I hope you will share your next adventure and open a new world of me. Thank you for sharing your experience with such passion.

louise Taback

Adam will miss all your pictures and stories!!! Thank You.. I wish you all the Best!!!!!!


Thanks Adam and wish you the best of luck in your future. Because of you and the Lion Warfare series, I also developed a fascination with lions, dynamics of lion prides and male coalitions. Now I am an avid follower of lion blogs and Facebook pages…all thanks to you, Rich and the rest of your colleagues. You will be missed!

Doreen Dziepak

it is with tears in my eyes and a catch in my throat that I post my comments . . .
everything at Londolozi is special and I feel blessed to have been a witness to its spiritual magic for several days in the summer of 2011 (we were part of the Klauber group from Sarasota FL) thru your efforts of postings words and pictures I have continued to feel the magic most every day thank you for that I know how difficult was my leaving, I cannot imagine your deep feelings at this point
go in peace, Adam, and know that memories are forever


hey Adam what going to be doing now?

Sandy Hahn Ghosh


We’ve enjoyed your posts, pics, insights, stories, etc. Thank you so very much!
We wish you all the very best!
Avi & Sandy Hahn Ghosh

Andi Sutherland

Oh, Adam. Even though we don’t know each other in person, I will sorely miss you. Your writing, photography and sensibilities are beyond compare. Wishing you fabulous happiness in the next phase of your journey…

Elisabeth Douglas

Dear Adam, thank you ever so much for teaching us so much about the Londolozi world, the animals, the nature and the LIONS especially. You will be missed !!!!!!
We wish you all the best for your future.
Wherever you go, go with all your heart
Your old friends Gustaf and Elisabeth

Unfortunately never managed to get to meet you although feel as if I know you well through your wonderful blogs. Best of luck in your future endeavours.

Guest contributor

What a beautiful and emotional letter Ad. It is impossible to capture the feeling and power behind a place like Londolozi. Even with a thousand photos and a hundred stories, you cannot describe the sensation of actually being here. You have been an incredible part of sharing this feeling, not only with the staff but with people from every corner of the world. You will be missed by everyone and we wish you the best of luck on your new adventures in life.

Adam, I enjoyed reading your blogs so much. Great success in your future endeavors. Thank you for sharing your knowledge of the bush and the animals that live there and the awesome pictures. You will be missed.

Richard and Fiona Houghton

We’re going to miss you and your blog! Obviously the game viewing was spectacular but its the other activities that stick in the memory. Boules in the river bed and tree climbing to name but a few. The banter with Byron was another highlight. All the best and come and visit in England if you have a chance.

connie black

Adam, I feel so fortunate to have crossed paths with you on the STAR retreat. You are an incredible man and have lead an incredible life thus far. I can only imagine what wonderful things the future holds for you. All the best!!

Amy Gleason

Adam! What a beautifully written post. We certainly loved having you as our guide, and I am sad that we won’t get to have you when we come back. Our time at Londolozi provided fantastic memories that we will cherish forever. I wish you the best of luck and hope you will stay in touch. Let me know if you want to go to that game! Best of luck to you on your new adventures.


Iam a chinese reader.
Your article always make me think a lot about nature,about the animals…
My heart always get touch from them.

Now you will leave,sad…



Adman Still in denial We miss you already your energy
and i miss your hugs
Shanny V


The blogs you have written have been incredible and awe inspiring. They have made me more and more eager to visit Londolozi one day, especially to see the Tsalala pride. Thank you for all you have done and good luck with your next adventure. You will be missed 🙂


Reading your blog, I am truly inspired by your tales of the lion coalitions and the daily happenings of those magnificent creatures. Thank you Adam and best of luck.

Ray & Janet Orriss

Although we spent only 4 days with you, we both agreed that it was our greatest vacation ever. This news is so sad but we of course wish you all the best. Your enthusiasm and continuous wonder of all that was around Londolozi imbued us all with the same spirit and we regularly tuned in to the latest news. We realize how privileged we were to be with you. Let us know if you ever return as a guest and maybe we will make that our return trip too!
Ray & Janet


Thanks Adam you have been a huge part of my addiction to Lions!


Dear Adam,
Wow, what a surprise to read about your departure!
Although you have never driven me at Londo’s, I have known you for the times we have interacted during my many visit to the lodge, as well as reading your regular blog as well as your insightful information on the lions.
I wish you well and hope that your new venture will be rewarding and successful.
God speed and best wishes.
Kind regards,

Wonderful send-off, Adam. Thank you and all the very best to you!


Tracey Rainier

Hello Adam

Your story and beautiful photos have transported me into the bush in the middle of my work day and reminded me through my misty eyed response to your work of how the bush can move, inspire and heal. I wish you well as you move into the next stage of your journey and anticipate that you will once again have extraordinary stories to tell .

All the best Tracey

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