on The Week in Pictures # 56

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I love the pics of Camp Pan jumping in and out of the tree. Great post!


Awesome pics! I love the hyena one. I got a pretty cool photo of a leopard leaping down a tree in Kruger a few months ago. We waited 4 hours for the leopard to move. But it paid off!


Wonderful collection Talley:)
Cheers, Syl

Sandy Johnson

Incredible picture of the Piva cub. Award-winning quality.


Super Bilder

Thank you again, and again, as always….J

Absolutely spectacular photos!! The one of the Piva cub is award-winning. Thanks for yet another incredible virtual visit back to Londo!


Terrific week in pictures Talley, thanks so much.

Raviraj Pawar

Partly bitten ear on the Marthly male is a good identifying mark though must have been very painful to the leopard.
Read about the three majingilane’s attacking and almost killing one of the three unknown male lions who have wandered into sabi sands few days back. The story is actually an elephant saved the nomadic males life as it charged the lions and distracted the majingilane’s and the nomad was able to flee and join his brothers. Hope to get an update on this story too.
Wonderful pics and insights on how leopards descend from a tree. Thank you Talley

David Dampier

Awesome, Tal, especially the jump out the tree!

James T

That out-of-the-water hippo looks pretty skinny to me… Sick, maybe? Or do you think he looks well-rounded?

Wonderful week-wow!!


Talley, amazing pictures! Wish we had seen some leopards in the trees, but we can live vicariously through your photos! We felt like we were right back there with you in Londolozi, but we are back safe and sound at home in NYC, our very own urban jungles. No leopards and hyenas in these parts, but one could argue we have our very own wild animals that trawl the streets! Do keep in touch and come visit us! All the best, Rohit & Pia

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