on One Trip Is Simply Not Enough!

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Susan Honnell

Beautiful reflections Simone and Jim … and I couldn’t agree more. I’ve been dreaming and scheming of my return trip to Londolozi since my first adventure in June. Went away feeling like part of the beautiful Londolozi family and can’t wait to return. Thanks for sharing your experience and photos!

Excellent recount of the Londolozi experience! I agree on all counts.

I couldn’t agree more. In the early 80s while living in South Africa it was relatively easy to visit Londolozi. 27 years later it’s 35+ hours of travel time from Hawai’i. Did it in 2010 and we’ll celebrate Christmas there this year. We’re counting the days to departure.

Exactly why my husband & I are returning in March!

Dear Simone and Jim
Thank you so much for putting into words just how you feel about our home Londolozi, we are so excited to have you back again! I hope that inner child stays well front and center…see you soon
energy from all your Londolozi Family

Tammy Perger

Simone & Jim

thank you so much for your beautiful insight & great pics of Londolozi & the animals….I will be leaving for Londolozi on Nov 23 & will be staying for a whole week…..I’m super excitied & when choosing Londolozi I just knew in my Heart this where I needed to be!!

I hope you will return one day, just as I hope to do after my trip!!!

P.S. “Happy Anniversary”

Thank you Simone for a great blog post! I look forward to hearing more from you on your food travels as well.

simone mets

Tammy –
Thanks so much! I can’t wait to hear about your trip. Have a wonderful time. You are in very good hands:)

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