Involved Leopards

Piva 2:2 Female

Piva 2:2 Female

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Mbilo 2:3 Female

Mbilo 2:3 Female

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Adam Bannister


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on Who is the Piva Female?

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James Tyrrell

Nice article Ad.
Having re-referenced some of my old photos of the female leopard we used to see most regularly down on the Notten’s property itself, I have realised this is the same female, who is referred to as the Notten’s female by the reserves to the south.
Interestingly enough, I was actually on the vehicle that discovered that the cub from her 2010 litter had been killed by the Tugwaan male! It was a dark and stormy evening, and we had tracked it back onto the Nottens property from the Eastern boundary. Tracks of a large male were on top of its tracks, and we suddenly came round a corner to discover the Tugwaan male standing over the lifeless cub, about 2 minutes after he had caught up with it and killed it. A very dramatic and sad scene. The Munghen or Sand River Male was the father of that litter (hence the aggression from the Tugwaan male) but it is most likely the Tugwaan male that has fathered the Piva female’s current cub, given his expanding territory down into Nottens and Sabi Sabi.

Pat Haines

Adam, thank you for the beautiful photos and also the interesting background on the younger Nottens female.

Wonderful news! Thanks for ‘connecting the dots’ (no pun intended) of the Royal family…I hope she stays close to her roots and sets up another long dynasty! She is gorgeous!!


What a great article. Really tells of the background of this great female. Thanks heaps 🙂

Evette Hartig

Thank you again, for you wonderful blog and keeping everyone up to date, I look forward to learning more and love that I can stay connected with the animals and people of Londolozi. Adam, you are appreciated.

What a fabulous family!


Thank you very much for the information. I hope the little cub will make it to adulthood.

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