on The Week in Pictures # 51

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Stunning captures Talley. Welcome back:)

Raviraj Pawar

Wonderful pictures, except for the buffalo all ‘big four’ are present. Cool

Sandy Johnson

What a fabulous week to be at Londolozi! Any week at Londolozi would be wonderful. It’s been a year since I was there and I miss it every day. Thanks Talley for keeping the memories alive.


The photo of the Nyala bulls is a hit. They look like ritual dancers. Splendid antelopes.

Thank you.


Well Talley you have not lost your touch – wonderful shots – welcome back – all glorious but the lionesses
get the gold medal from this household!


The young male cheetah , yay 🙂
I’m glad that he’s doing Okay, it’s the only in londolozi.


All great photos, Tal – I love the Kingfisher shot!

Welcome home & thank you for another beautiful week in Londolozi.

Evette Hartig

Glad to have you back, I look forward to your weeks in pictures (although enjoyed the year in a half as well…ha,ha), I can’t wait to get back to Londolozi, I’ll be booking my return in the next month or so. In the meantime I’ll depend on you to keep us abreast of all the adventures we are missing.

Senior Digital Ranger

Welcome back Talley! What a way to start out, magnificent pictures.. young ones everywhere!
I love the lion cub stretching looking so pleased. Tamboti female is looking great in spite of her wound.
thank you for giving us a peek into your beautiful world.

Welcome back Talley!!! Always one of my favorite Friday afternoon (here in the States) activities is to review your week in pictures. And your efforts were fantastic! As always, I can imagine myself sitting in the truck viewing your sightings even from far away here in Philadelphia! Thank you!


Wonderful pictures as always. It tells a lot of wat is hapening there. Thank you very much for the update.

Leave it to Freddy to find the ‘hidden’…..he’s absolutely amazing!


Hi Tammy
Great pictures
Is the Piva female known by a different name, cant recall hearing about this leopard before?


James T

Some fantastic shots Tal, although I do resent the ‘year-and-a-half’ in pictures chirp! It was only a year and a quarter! Haha.
But seriously, it’s good to have you back. Even though I live and work here, your Friday post is a big highlight of my week!


Thanks so much Talley! Wonderful as always, especially loved that cub stretching.

Fantastic pics Tals, great to have you back in the bush and taking such wonderful pics. That new lens is superb!

Great shot- helps build more excitement for my return next month

Lisa O

Great Pics Tal, makes me very homesick! LOVE the one of the Giant Kingfisher.

Magda Baillie

Hi Talley, great updates thanks! Can’t wait to see you there on Thursday, we are so excited! Kind regards Magda

Courtney M

Fantastic shots! Some of the best yet. I honestly can’t decide which is my favorite. The light for the lone pale lioness is just gorgeous. I love how you can see her tattered ear and aging face. Ugh, your weekly updates make me miss Londolozi like crazy. I can’t wait to come back!

Jane West

Everyone is thrilled to see this week in Pictures but we miss you in Bermuda! Guess we better come see you soon! Thanks for another great week of photos , especially the baby elephant “hidden” in the branches!

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