About the Author

Anna Ridgewell

Alumni: Executive Chef

Anna worked at Londolozi for almost 9 years. A lodge like Londolozi, although famous for its wildlife, is about far more than just that. The superb culinary experience which awaits every guest at Londolozi is thanks to the continued efforts of Anna, who ...

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on Making Beetroot, Apple & Ginger Juice

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Nice photography! I am thirsty now…..

Thanks Linda, Rich Laburn is a wizard at what he does! All you have to do to rid that thirst is to place all the above in a juicer!

Thanks Linda 🙂

Tammy Perger

Mmm, Mmm, cant wait till November so I can try these yummy Juices…:)

Thanks Tammy! we look forward to juicing up a storm for you in November! Keep watching this space for the next 4 juices and much more!

Jules Gunther

So excited for what’s to come on this blog. Anna, and her food, are sublime!

Thanks Jules! Hope you received the Sexy Salad Dressing recipe, look forward to seeing you in Bermuda 2013 if not hopefully before. Keep watching this space for the next 4 juices!

Lindy Norvall

Anna makes these juices look so good it makes you WANT to be healthy!
Stunning work Anna!


Hey, hey, juicy juicy juicy exxxxay! Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could just live on juice! Looks lovely as usual Span.
Love Paulus

Thank you Linds! glad you are enjoying these – keep posted because there are 4 more to come!

Thanks Paulus – believe you me, i start the day with a glass of the Green Juice (watch this space) and you’ll be surprised by how it completely energises you! Thanks for following and keep posted for the next 4 in the Juice Series!

Richard Davison

This is something we all should be doing; drinking delicious juices made with such healthy ingredients. Thank you.

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