At Londolozi we specialize in freshly squeezed juices. The Londolozi kitchen is fortunate to have a seriously hot juice squeezer, however, you can use a high speed blender for the softer fruits eg. Melons, pineapples etc, should you wish to make your own fresh juice at home.
The Beetroot is very low in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol. It is also a good source of Vitamin C, Iron and Magnesium, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Folate, Potassium and Manganese. There is only 4% carbohydrates in Beetroot, so is actually very good for you! Apples are a good food source of carbohydrates, vitamin C and dietary fiber and add an element of sweetness to this juice.
We add fresh Ginger to a lot of our juices as it is low in Saturated Fat, and very low in Cholesterol and Sodium. It is also a good source of Vitamin C, Magnesium, Potassium, Copper and Manganese. Ginger is traditionally used to ease nausea and vomiting. It has also been stated that ginger contains constituents with strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, some of which have the ability to help prevent cancer.
Apples are for very good for your teeth as they are high in calcium and packed with many vitamins. The apple adds a tarty sweetness to the juice and counteracts the strong flavour of the beetroot.
It is best to juice from the raw state, however, if you have leftover cooked beets, put these in your blender to make juice.
To garnish the glass, thinly slice a beetroot and place it on the side of the glass.
**Anna’s Tip – you can add the juiced beetroot flesh to a chocolate cake for extra moisture and to make it more “healthy”! **
Nice photography! I am thirsty now…..
Thanks Linda, Rich Laburn is a wizard at what he does! All you have to do to rid that thirst is to place all the above in a juicer!
Thanks Linda
Mmm, Mmm, cant wait till November so I can try these yummy Juices…:)
Thanks Tammy! we look forward to juicing up a storm for you in November! Keep watching this space for the next 4 juices and much more!
So excited for what’s to come on this blog. Anna, and her food, are sublime!
Thanks Jules! Hope you received the Sexy Salad Dressing recipe, look forward to seeing you in Bermuda 2013 if not hopefully before. Keep watching this space for the next 4 juices!
Anna makes these juices look so good it makes you WANT to be healthy!
Stunning work Anna!
Hey, hey, juicy juicy juicy exxxxay! Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could just live on juice! Looks lovely as usual Span.
Love Paulus
Thank you Linds! glad you are enjoying these – keep posted because there are 4 more to come!
Thanks Paulus – believe you me, i start the day with a glass of the Green Juice (watch this space) and you’ll be surprised by how it completely energises you! Thanks for following and keep posted for the next 4 in the Juice Series!
This is something we all should be doing; drinking delicious juices made with such healthy ingredients. Thank you.