on The Week in Pictures # 48

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Wonderful photographs, demonstarting the diversity and quality of the Londolozi game viewing experience. Seeing wild dogs is my top priority next time I visit 🙂


Excellent week Talley. Thanks so much for the terrific blog. Interesting interaction of the Tsalala’s. Love, love the picture of the cheetah on the tree branch! Thanks again Talley.


Can someone explain why the lioness with the tail is luring the male
away? She has cubs still that are sub adults and takes care of? Are the Majingi after her cubs? Who is the father of the cubs? thank you


Interesting, the new tailless female seems to feel more connected to her sister’s cubs than her own adult daughters. BB seems to be comfortable in either group. Very interesting dynamic. It would be interesting to see where the breakaway pride will settle-perhaps they may go back and settle with the southern males?

Truly REMARKABLE pictures and story Talley! The Tsalala’s are my favorite pride, even though I love them all. So VERY HAPPY to hear they are doing well and trying to reunite…WOW, if they did, if the Older Tailless Lioness could broker peace amongst the generations, they would be such a dominant force….:) would LOVE that!! My favorite picture is of the 3 standing shoulder to shoulder!
Thanks for sharing!

Rowena Lafferty

Your close observation of lioness interaction was fascinating. Thank you for that informed look into their dynamics.

Senior Digital Ranger

Another awesome blog.. I look forward to these every week! And the pictures make it all that more speccial..

Thank you!


What a fantastic collection of photos of the Tsalalas. The old tailless girl still looks amazing. Thank you for sharing them and all the other photos as well. The Nottins girl is so pretty and yes, I hope the cheetah chooses to remain in the area too.

Jane West

Such an interesting week of lion behavior ! More spectacular photos Talley, especially the last one of the tailless lion! She looks like she’s striking a pose for the camera!


No comment? Thanks for the beautiful pictures and painting a story. 🙂

Gerrit van Wageningen

Dear Helen, Rob and all the other lovely Londolozi family members of the Foxtrot Camp,
A quick word of awesome appreciation for making our 14th visit to Londo’s the best ever!
We’re still in Founder’s mode, and woke up this morning wondering why the Kruger coalition were so quiet?
The kids can’t wait to tell their friends about the “new”, self-appointed, 4-legged, maned security guard posted at the bridge in front of room 4!
I’m also planning to post his early evening roar on the blog, the image quality is sub-optimal due to Rob’s resolution to stick to low-light policy, but the audio is awesome!
Many thanks! We’ll be back!
All five van Wageningens from Stellenbosch

Marlene and John Sharpe

Stunning sightings! Enjoyed every minute of viewing as if we were there!

What a gorgeous fish eagle shot. All are wonderful but I particularly like the fish eagle…and I am NOT a birder ….. this could make me one!


Wow Talley – brilliant, what a week..

Annie Andrews

Oh Tallie, what a wonderful week you’ve had, so much excitement, makes me want to get back there very quickly, your pictures are fabulous, I’m on the hunt for a better camera.
I’ve been making porridge but can’t quite get it as good as Excellent served us, what’s the recipe?
Annie Andrews

henry stansbury

I love your blog. Coming next week with family. Could you email me wine list so I can research your great red wines! Can’t wait to be with you with my 11 year old grandsons… and their parents too! Henry Stansbury hstansbury@asionline.com

Great sightings-great photos

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