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Adam Bannister


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on Could these be some of the last photos of Mapogo?

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I really hope these are the last images you take.
Makulu although so thin is such a beautiful lion.
Please do keep us posted.


You the man Adam, you the man…..bloody spectacular. The photography and image size are parallel with the Mapogo legend. Where is the other Mapogo though?

Notch Vtec

Hmm Only one of them ? where’s pretty boy ? ……

Pretty Boy (the other male) was there but deep in the long grass so could not get any pics at that stage


Thanks Adam for sharing the photos and footage of the veteran Makulu Mopogo! Yes, this could be the last photos of the beloved Mapogos. It is harsh though to imagine an ensuing reality-the days of the remaining 2 Mapogos is numbered.


Isn’t this round the same time they were chased by the Dark Majing?


Thanks Adam – lovely photos of the old fella.

Notch Vtec

and wonder who are the ladies they were with any ideas ? thank you for the updates really appreciate it

It appears that they fed on a giraffe with the Sparta Pride lionesses.


The Sparta lionesses are their sisters, Correct? Technically not Makulu’s sisters since he joined the Sparta pride and wasn’t born into it, but PB/Bent Spine is a blood brother. It would be really interesting if they can find protection back in their childhood stomping grounds.

Exactly correct. We are all interested to see how this turns out!

steve baker

The magnificent photo of lion’s eyes graphically defines the word “lionize”!


Thanks so very much Adam. Times are intense….you’ve done a super job of keeping us posted. It’s greatly appreciated.


Very interesting. If they shared a meal with the Sparta Lionesses, were the cubs in any danger? Do strange male lions and strange pride lionesses share meals ? I guess I always thought they were trying to kill cubs not sired by them and hence the lionesses were wary? For a moment, I thought they were the Tsalala 4 subadults , because they probably are comfartable with their fathers/uncles.

Interesting times and I wonder if in primitive times, us humans behaved the same way too? We hear similar stories in wars even now, in some non developed areas.


Who are the 3 males with Solo? What territory do they control?


Thanks for this Adam, it was WELL worth the wait. He’s still an amazingly beautiful cat and I hope he and Pretty Boy continue to dodge the other lions for some time to come. You’re a star Adam !!

Luke Galardi

Thanks Adam! Thanks for the time and effort you put into keeping us updated. It really is impossible to fully express our gratitude. The pictures are treasures, and the writing is a most fantastic story. Take care and God Bless for all you do for others.

Just wondering why Makhulu is so thin when he’s in such good shape on all other fronts?

I wanted to know why Makhulu is so thin but looks so strong and how long do lions (who are enjoying a good life) live? Is there a chance the oldies could be left alone to lead a good life or do they have to be “done in” like they did to Mr T?

I don’t think that Makhulu is looking that thin, considering he also brought down a buffalo with his coalition member. Lions typically live to between 9 – 17 years depending on competition, food abundance and pride dynamics throughout their lives. Male lions will typically die at a younger age than females because of the competition from younger, stronger males. There is a chance that a male(s) could be left alone, however in the Sabi Sands it is unlikely as there is so much other competition who will eventually stumble across a lone or elderly male. I hope that answers you question..?

Cheryl in KCMO

Thanks for sharing these photos Adam. They certainly are grand old men and have lived a long life. We hope they make it a while longer but the sands of time are running out…

Keith Cox

To survive as long as they have they must have had an incredible strength and fortitude ,they never shirked a challenge and seemed to create havoc where ever they went ,and even now the two remaining Mapogos are still hanging in there, its just a shame that in the reproduction of cubs they didnt do so well and never created a peaceful enviroment in any area they held ,but they wil be be remembered for a long time even if it is just for their notoriety,lets just hope for a period of stability and lots of new cubs ,thanks for the info Adam and stunning pictures as always . Keith


Thank you so much adam Many of us me including have followed these lions for yrs We loved them we hated them We admired them They r the true legends of the bush and i so hope they do ok live the rest of their lives peacefully.Please keep us and their fb page updated as many of us check there often thank you


Thanks for the update and fantastic pictures Adam. This was a terrific read. Really appreciate the time you take to keep us all updated!


Amazing Animal
He still strong for been 14 year old.

Viper/Saul Wolfe

It’s been mentioned many a times that he’s always been a skilled buffalo hunter.

John Holley

Please dont tell me we alsonow calling Tsalala young male – Solo!!!

Don’t worry John, he is still known as the Tsalala Young Male at Londolozi.


So this isnt the same Solo that we learned about watching BBC’s Big Cat Diary? The Solo they referred to was a lone cub bred into the Ridge Pride, which just now dawned on me to do a little digging. Londolozi isnt anywhere near Masai Mara…jeez what a dolt !!!!


I hope the Tslalala 4 sub adult females are doing ok. When do they usually become fertile??

We are watching the four Tsalala Breakaway females closely as they should be ready to mate any time now. Exciting times lie ahead as we wait to see which of the many coalitions they may decide to settle down with.


Just wanted to say, Adam, that I find the Lion Warfare to be the most intriguing, if sad, of all the Londolozi blog entries. Never feel that you are giving us too much Lion!

Thank you very much . I appreciate your comments and will keep you all in the loop!

Digital Ranger

Its so amazing that Makhulu is 14 years yet male lions reach their peak at 8 years.Where is the other mapogo male in these pictures?


Thanks adam. I m a very big lion fan and only very recently came to know about mapogo and majingilane coalition. A very interesting read and its truly unbelievable what you and your team members are doing for all those interested in these lions stories. I must say you folks are amazing human beings. Please keep up the good work and may Allah Almighty bless you and give you health to continue. Great work brother.

Terry Jones

I love lions just need to know if MAKULU IS STILL ALIVE.

Terry Jones



Very good work Adam,absolutely intriguing story about the life of lions as a whole,once again very nice work mate.


jojo mapogo

keep going strong pb and mak. Godbless! I pray God sends u both plenty of food and help u both stay safe and sound Amen

mohd jewel

after i seing one of Mapogo lions video then i have tried to know history of them since last week. they were really awesome. i really loved them. i am very much interested to know weather they have left any cubs and still they are live? or amy cubs from Mr. T?




Excellent work. Please keep it up. I too am wondering, how do the remaining Mapogos fair today? Is there by any chance a book on them like there is on Mandevu and Ntchwadumela? Long live The Lion, long live The King!

tini wilson

Igot to watch th Mapogo koalition in action lastnight on discovery channel AUS/NZ iam completely & utterly in awe of these beautiful creatures….Is there any updates on P.B & Makulu ? Are they still alive ? Can anybody answer me please ?

johan dyers

Are any of the mapogos still alive?

Almost certainly not, sadly Johan…

Makulu, what a life he led.

Are there any children of the Mapogo alive or are they all dead?

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