on The Week in Pictures # 32

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Talley, what a great treat. Thanks for the info on the nyala with hair standing up. That was my learn something new for today.
I love the photo of the cub stalking…too funny.

Thanks Syl! The male nyala is Freddy’s favourite animal… it’s absolutely beautiful!


I wanna see cubs, Tal!!! Hopefully there will be some about in July!! THat last shot is awesome!!


Well 2 of the Sparta females are still quite pregnant so if all goes according to plan, there should be some little ones about in July! Holding thumbs! x

Keith Cox

Hi wonderful pictures of my favourite animals must make fantastic veiwing in the flesh .thanks .Keith

Thanks Keith!

bobi baha

thank you for this wonderful post and pics as always wonderful

Thanks 🙂

karine GAY

as usual i will tell you thank you Talley for all your pictures… Just a dream for me…It is such a great pleasure to see your week in pictures…
Just to tell you: I have to come back asap.
Merci beaucoup

Yes you do!!! And thank YOU for all your comments! 🙂

Henry Smith

Nice photos, as usual, Talley. I love the Carmine Bee Eater and the reflected lion cub. We can’t wait to get back to Londolozi!

Thanks Dad will try to get more bird shots next week, we saw a European Golden Oriole yesterday!

Thanks Talley. Waiting patiently until our return in March 2013. Your pictures really give a lift to my day. Thank you.

Kristine Dong

I’ll be there in 3 weeks! Can’t wait to see these pictures come to life!

Willy Smith

Great pics Talley! I agree wirh Henry – the carmine Bee Eater and lion reflection shots!! 🙂


Lovely……. thanks. And I LOVED learning about the stand up hair; new info for me. Seeing that cub stalking was just wonderful so , once again, a great blog.

Penny Parker

I watched three gorgeous Nyala’s doing a lateral display, only for the one to lose face completely after being frightened by some grazing warthogs in amongst them. Needless to say he backed down and the other two continued in their slow motion dance, Lovely sighting, and a lovely post. Thanks Talley


Just love all the animals on the airstrip!


As always a beautiful week in pictures! Love the last one of the lion cub with the reflection on the water. Can never pick a favorite thought because they are all so good. Great info on the Nyala and very interesting to learn of their behaviors! Thanks, can’t wait til next week.


News from Sabi Sand, SA
Southern/Selati males (4) met up with the Mapogos (atleast with Pretty Boy)
Pretty Boy received bites to his back & hind leg area. Southern males then headed east…told they were looking rather confident.
We’ve all been holding our breath knowing this was bound to happen.
Photo credit to Khimbini Hlongwane ~ Inyati PGR
‘Pretty Boy/Bent Spine’s private parts shows how close some of the Southern Males’s teeth and claw marks were to them’

Can’t post the photo, but it came from BIGCATFANZ in FB, can someone in Londolozi verify this and tell the story please?

Jane West

Talley! This was a particularly interesting week in pictures because of the diversity of your shots! Loved the cub and it’s reflection, but also the water bucks showing their “bully’s eye” targets, the bee eater and the sunset and sun rise. A wonderful cross section of great shots! We’re counting the days til we return!

Kate Albert

Hi Talley, what amazing photos, I’m so jealous and missing Londolozi a lot. Having been home for a week, I’m ploughing through the many hundreds of photos and would love to send you some but don’t know how. I’ve emailed Rich and hope he’ll let me know. Thank you all so much for our wonderful time with you that we won’t ever forget. Your photos are fantastic!

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