About the Author

David Dampier

Financial Manager

David left the bright lights of Johannesburg and a promising career as a chartered accountant to join the Londolozi Ranging team in 2009. After three years spent as a guide, during which he built up a formidable reputation as one of Londolozi's top ...

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on Three Years at Londolozi Part 3 (2011)

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Doyle, some truly truly outstanding pictures. I had picked a favorite in the first three but then they just kept getting better and better. A brilliant selection of diverse images from the Londolozi wilderness which pays just as much homage to the smaller beauties of the wild as to the larger game. I sincerely hope that you will continue to keep up your photography as your images will be welcome on the Londoz blog anytime. Thank you for your contribution – it has been a massive part of making this blog what it is today. rich laburn

Carter family

Doyle. Thanks for all the great drives and the wonderful memories. You’ll be sorely missed behind the wheel. Good luck in the new role. Cheers, Carter family

David Dampier

Thanks so much Jeff and Co! Will see what I can do about a Pangolin in the meantime….!


Wow, what a fantastic collection of photographs. I came across a saying the other day – Memory is the treasury and guardian of all things (Cicero) – and my goodness you must already have a treasure trove of wonderful sightings which are yours forever. Wishing you every happiness, and thank you for sharing your knowledge and blissful photos with us all. Happy number crunching!!!
P.S. When I saw your last photo – I fell in love ….

Incredible Doyle. You can be very proud of a great portfolio of shots from your time out in the field. You’re provided many people with an opportunity to see the bush without physically being there and your presence in the ranging team will be missed by them and the rangers and trackers alike.



Thelma if you spend some time on the blog going through some of the archive and older posts you will see that there is plenty of information on the Tsalala Pride…enjoy the reading

Sandy Johnson

Wonderful pictures. The Tsalala cub is my favorite too. I have a similar picture from my trip in August (although not nearly as good as yours) of one of the cubs on a rock. I look at it every day on my computer screen and smile. Your talent will be missed. Best wishes.


Absolutely fabulous. Wowser!!

Helen Chaknova

You were an awesome guide, you ARE fabulous photographer and we all wish you the best of luck working on the finance end of things at Londolozi. Best of luck

bobi baha

i have fallen in love with your photography bless you for sharing them with us

Jo Anne

These are some of the most incredible photos I have ever seen, Doyle. I wish you all the best in your new adventure. Thank you for sharing your photos and blogs over the past 3 years. God Bless you.


What a joy your pics are and I can only imagine the wonder of those you didn’t get to share. I ope your new work will bring you as much joy as the experiences which resulted in these pics has done. Thank you for sharing Londolozi, the bush, and its inhabitants with us.

Thank you for your shared memories and gorgeous photos…makes me ‘homesick’ always to see some of the same beautiful animals captured by you in still life. You have a gift and we appreciate your generosity! ‘May trails rise up to meet you, may your heart rejoice in song, may skies be fair above you’…..best of luck and keep us posted!!!

Alistair Swartz

awesome shots doyle

Such incredible pics doyle! Good luck with the new chapter:):)

Kate Goodman

Doyle these photos are incredible, thank you for sharing them with us!

Penny Parker

Your blog has been a wonderful treat and much loved addition to my week. Good luck in the Finance Team, i’m sure you will excel.

Keith Cox

Hi couldnt believe how close the male lion was to the vehicle crossing the river ,fantastic pictures ,thanks .Keith

Deborah and Michael

Thank you for sharing these memorable photos with us. We loved our last 2 safaris with you and were selfishly hoping you would continue another year so we could safari with you again this year. At least we have some great shots to help us remember our adventures. Best of luck in the new role!
Deborah & Michael, UK.


I will miss your photos and I hope we will see more later on. Don´t be one of those boring office photographers that are sitting all day longing to go out and shot but ending up in front of the computer instead. Oh, no that is me!


They are all so beautiful. Very sad we will not get to see your incredible photography as often! The lion cub pic is priceless,

Sunny Kapoor

John Varty I been watching you sense i was kid Great Video…. I saw Leopard Queen on Nat Geo wild Made me cry.You are phenomenal great story taller.For two Decades worth of footage with leopard Manana’s life for 17 years sad ending.I know we all have to go some day.i had many tears shed watching the documentary.GOD BLESS YOU JOHN VARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mary Sue Farley

Hey Doyle!

Clayton and I are just thrilled that our time together resulted in your favorite shot! We talk ALL THE TIME about that day and how amazing it was (actually the whole trip was amazing). We also tell everyone how accommodating you and the rest of the staff were. Insofar as the original plan was to return to camp, it was great to have the flexibility to stay out and have breakfast brought out to us. And then lunch. And then early sundowners. SO fantastic!

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