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David Dampier

Financial Manager

David left the bright lights of Johannesburg and a promising career as a chartered accountant to join the Londolozi Ranging team in 2009. After three years spent as a guide, during which he built up a formidable reputation as one of Londolozi's top ...

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on The Leopards of Londolozi # 18

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Fred & Robin

David. Your photos and documentary tell the story exactly as we saw it. This one event on the last day of our safari will stand out as one of highlights of our trip. Thank you so much for helping provide this everlasting memory. We hope one day to see the cubs that this courtship produces!

Thanks so much! Would love to have you back to see the new arrivals!


Great photos & info…thank you


Beautiful pictures, thanks.


David, where is the Tamboti female’s territory? – fingers crossed for some little Camp Pans!

Hi Sheena, her territory is on our eastern side, roughly in the middle from a north/south point of view and includes some area on both our land as well as our neighbours. It will be interesting to see if she mates with Dudley 5:5 Male as well, as his territory also overlaps hers…


Well smart cats cover all possibilities!! Are the big cats are like the smaller domestic ones and able to carry cubs from different males? Or is this debatable ?

They definitely can, although it is possibly a more common occurrence with lions rather than leopards.

Helen Chaknova

Beautiful pictures David!

Wow – so fabulous! We saw the Tamboti female roaring on our last day so we thought she was calling a mate! How exciting to see her success! I found her sunning on a fallen log just before – so exciting! Great photos – thank you!

Sure Jen, we’ll have a video of her mating coming out on the blog in the next few days. rich

David, keep the arty photos coming. I think they are great! rich

Less than a week since we departed and already missing the Londolozi magic. Thanks for keeping us in touch virtually.

Love her eyes in the Mxabene, David! Also her golden coat, just like her mother (Sunset Bend) and sister (Vomba). Well done.


Great pics…thanks.
Leopards are definitely my favourite feline predator. I also think they are the most beautiful of the feline predators. Here is an excerpt from my Christmas newsletter.

“A special moment, was with the wind blowing hard at Norman and the tracker they came up on something which ran through the bush parallel to them and then crossed the road in front of them at full pace less than 15 meters away…….. a full grown male leopard!!. What a great sight!!. The tracker was a bit nervous when Norman reassured him that the only humanoids that they take are baboons.”

Love the articles and look forward to the read every day!


Great Photos David, my particular favourite this week must be the “Tamboti female takes a break from mating” one. Brilliant. And she gets to take a break from mating.

Keep my weekly photographic fix going!! good work


Another wonderful set of photos and accompanying story that make me want to throw on my invisibility cloak and sneak into Londolozi! Thank you for your passion.

We had a wonderful experience watching this action last week. We’d like to again thank Lucian our guide and James our tracker for allowing us the opportunity to get up close to these two beautiful cats.

Penny Parker

The reflection of the Vomba Female drinking is stunning. And I had guessed in your last posts that the interaction between Camp Pan and Tamboti was to come, as they had been spottedin the same places !

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