The Tsalala Pride never ceases to amaze! Following them move through the Sand River the other day the adult lioness with the older 4 cubs suddenly accelerated and ran forward. In seconds she scrambled up the main trunk of a large Weeping Boer Bean. It was anything but elegant! Hesitantly she began to scale the tree’s upper branches…she had found the remains of a young male bushbuck that had been hoisted by what we thought was a female leopard.
Immediately she started feeding before the remaining pride members had even registered what was happening. The position of the kill was exceptionally difficult for a large lioness to maneuver around…I was sure that she would just try dislodge the kill and then feed on the more conventional terra firma. I was wrong…
The sudden realisation by the cubs that they were missing out on food was wonderful to watch. They began clambering up the trunk trying desperately to not only find a way up but to find away around mom to get to the fleshy breakfast. Claws unsheathed they were holding on with all might… edging closer and closer. But this stolen kill was to remain the sole property of the one lioness. Even the bravest of the cubs could barely get a scrap. After a couple of growls, swipes and mild aggression the cubs decided that a hasty retreat down the tree was in order.
Again we are privileged to watch yet another saga of the beloved Tsalala Pride unfold.
Written by Adam Bannister
Filmed by Adam Bannister
Awesome stuff Ad, very well filmed.
Wonderful video! Any idea why this female wouldn’t share with her cubs? They don’t look old enough to fend for themselves….had they not had a recent kill?
We were lucky enough to see this lioness climb a tree back in February; not only has she taught her cubs but has also become much more proficient herself! I’ll be back a Founders in 6 months time – can’t wait! Thank you so much for your wonderful blog; it’s the next best thing to being there.
Adam thanks for the great reminder of one of the wonderful things we saw with you and Soli. We are in Denver showing our grandchildren our videos.