Involved Leopards

Camp Pan 4:3 Male

Camp Pan 4:3 Male

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Adam Bannister


Londolozi Alumni

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on Camp Pan’s Still Got It!

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I think he is magnificent. So good to see him on form – the King is back!

Indeed he is looking magnificent..

He is indeed a very HANDSOME male. We had the pleasure of tracking another male in late June (I think it was the Dudley Riverbank male) with John Holley and Richard Siwela….an AMAZING experience! I will always remember the rasping call and the odor of ‘popcorn’ and forever associate it with male leopards, Londolozi and South Africa!!

ron meckler

We were privileged be on the afternoon drive to witness this magnificent animal enjoying the impala on 14 Oct. We came upon him lying close by, breathing heavily, full belly and taking it easy. As if on queue, he climbed into the tree and put on a show for all of us. When we returned on 15 Oct. he was close by relaxing. I’ve got some of these same photos. Being there to witness the reality is so much more spectacular!

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