About the Author

Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on A Londolozi Safari

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Penny Parker

Some amazing pics, Rita. especially of the Barred Owl and the Secretary bird taking flight – spectacular to see some great birding pics amongst the gems you have here of the mammals 🙂


lovely photos. thanks for sharing and I am completely jealous LOL

Rita Shaw

Thanks for your comments Penny and Linda, and thanks Rich for uploading the pics. Only just now had a chance to look at them after arriving home late yesterday – looking forward to coming back to Londolozi next year!!

Ed Chivers

Some really great shots Rita. Long time no see, I’m on the Sunny Coast these days. Not sure I ever mentioned it you but I spent 4 years in Natal. Went to most of the parks, thoroughly enjoyed those times. I especially enjoyed getting up close to rhinos and giraffe – on foot.

Chuck Miller

Fantastic pictures!
Proves the old adage you can never get too close.
Hopefully I’ll get some that good upon my return to Londolozi.

I hope so too Chuck! When are you returning to Londolozi? Thnks for your comment.

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