About the Author

Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on My Ten Days at Londolozi

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Thanks Francesa for sharing your wonderful experience and how fantastic to stay at Londolozi for TEN days. I particularly like the image of the lilac breasted roller. Beautiful photography – sincere thanks


Incredible photos!!!

Todd Albright

Francesca, beautiful work. The roller got me too.

Can you share technical information – equipment and any other typical settings?

congratulations on your beautiful work.

Francesca Grima

Hello Todd,

Thank you!

I used a Nikon D90 and most of my shots were taken with a Nikon Nikkor AF-S Telephoto zoom lens – 28 mm – 300 mm. This is a great lens as it is so versatile and does not require changing when taking photos of landscapes.

As a complete amateur with very little experience, most of my settings were hit and miss, but I found that for sunset landscape shots, I changed my exposure setting to -1 or more.

For the birds and close shots of animals, my aperture was at f5.6.

I hope this helps!


Beautiful!!! You are a lucky lucky gal to stay for 10 days at Londos! My visit cannot come soon enough!! Thanks so much for sharing!

Hi Zoe, when are you coming to stay with us? Rich


Bravo Francesca, every one of them a ‘bijou’ !! A privilege to see them, thank-you.


Fantastic pictures!! Looks like an amazing trip!


The majingi’s are getting bigger n darker. Beautiful pictures! How come one of the majingi is always missing?

The Majingilane Coalition are not always together. Often one or two of the males will split up and move into other areas of their territory on patrol. Owing to the fact that they also have more than one pride, the males usually split up to find these prides whether for food or to mate with them.

Henry Smith

These are spectacular photos! Great light and really sharp – thanks for sharing them.

Jess Boon

Francesca, all of these photographs are fantastic! Thank you so much for putting them up! My favorite is still the giraffe sunset, the timing is perfect with that bird flying into the tree.

Pat Peck

What an amazing picture!! The wonderful memories of Londolozi come alive again viewing your photo.
Our family longs to go back to visit all the incredible people we met at Londolozi. Thank you for sharing those with us. The Peck Family (May 2011)

That is a great pleasure Pat. All the credit must go to Francesca who took all the pictures above. We are really looking forward to seeing you back here at Londolozi in the near future and most definitely on the blog in the meantime. Rich

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