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Adam Bannister


Londolozi Alumni

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on My friend Solly

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Amy Edmonds

This heartwarming sentiment from a rugged ranger tugged at my heartstrings. In my career, I have travelled to many a bush camp. I have felt the emptiness of a game drive experience which lacks the bond between tracker and guide which Adam describes. This sadly leaves guests with a cynical, misguided view of what an important person a tracker is. The teamwork Adam and Solly have should be nurtured, indeed celebrated. As such, it is always a pleasure to send our valued guests to Londolozi. This is just one part of the magical experience that consistently wows our guests whilst under your watchful care.

Penny Parker

So well written, and his smile seems to melt me! A true and very special friendship.

Two of my very Best people…so very proud of you both !Thank you for all the love and energy you bring.

Graeme Marais

Having sadly left Londolozi a little while ago, I regularly sit in front of my lap top remising over the incredible sightings which are entrenched in my memory. But its the friendships with amazing people like Solly that I truly miss the most.


I’ve been in a Range Rover with Adam and Solly, and I can say that the bond speaks volumes, even when not a word is spoken. Londoz is lucky to have you both!


Well said Adam. On our visit, the lovely Byron (O.k he paid me to say that!!) did not have his usual Tracker but the drives could not have been more spectacular – James (another true gentleman, with a mega smile) was our Tracker and what a team they made – pure delight. I admire your sentiments Adam, equal praise is due, and so good to hear, and by mentioning our experience I don’t mean to distract from your praise. In life soul-mates are irreplaceable and friendship is a gift – to find that in your daily activity is truly a joy and that joy you pass on to others. For us, the memories and feelings we returned home with, thanks to the Team we had at Londolozi, were and remain priceless. With affection,
Sheena and Peter


I tell all my friends, “I’ve traveled the world, but Londolozi is by far my most magical experience”…and i owe most of those magical memories to my time spent with you and Solly in the bush. It wouldn’t have been as wonderful and magical without you two as my tour guides! I’m trying to get up there within the next year to see you all again, hope you’ll be there Adam 🙂 …And tell Solly we’re coming to dinner at his house this time to meet his family!!

Ana, Mike & Marc (Hong Kong)

Bruce Robb

Hello Adam, I enjoyed the article about you and Solly. It refreshened some of my memories from my trip last year and encourages me to plan to come back for another visit. Best regards to you both, Bruce Robb

Jeff Carter

Solly Mhlongo – one of life’s true gentlemen. To our family, Solly epitomises everything that is Londolozi.

Jeff you are so right! His attitude is in the right place and you can’t help but smile when he is around!

Fantastic comment Jeff and one that is absolutely true.

The tracker/ranger relationship was a highlight of my stay at Pioneer Camp in November. Tracker, Freddy, helped me immensely with getting videos of lions up a tree escaping a buffalo herd. Ranger, Mike, carefully positioned the vehicle on a sighting. The team worked seamlessly and with obvious respect for each other. Counting the days till I can return to Londolozi. The pictures in this blog make me want to be there NOW!

So nice to hear Judy, Mike and Freddy make a fantastic team. There is definitely an art to working together as a team out in the wilderness. Pleased you enjoyed the pictures, looking forward to seeing you back here! Regards, Rich

Sandra and Jonathan Brudnick

This is such a beautiful piece and brings back the incredible memories we have of our time at Londolozi last August. We still talk about it to everyone we know as the most amazing travel experience we have ever had and that is largely in part to you and Solly (in addition of course to everyone in the fabulous Londo family) Your friendship and compatibility was palpable and really made our time there something special. Hope all is well and that we get to see you again sometime!
Best Regards,
Sandra and Jonathan Brudnick

Kara and Jared Becker

We spent time with Adam and Solly while on our honeymoon last November. Words cannot describe that we were given the trip of a lifetime thanks to Adam and Solly. We are counting down until we return and hope to see you both again.

-Kara and Jared

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