on The Week in Pictures # 4

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Great photos, Talley – I love the young elephant! Londolozi’s blog is the next best thing to being there: we can’t wait to come back.

Jane West

Talley!! I’m learning something new every time I read your blog! Didn’t know about pink noses and inexperienced male ingwes! (sp?). My favorite photo this time is the leopard “reading” the place about Howard Mackie!! Once again, stunning photos!!


Sigh…….love it Tals!!! Less than four months and counting!! Oh, and I just got my new camera!! Will be practicing my shots on the family pets to brace myself for what November will hold!! Just can’t wait!!! See you in a couple!! xxx

I ditto Henry’s comments. Each time I read the blog I can imagine I’m there and although a substsitute for the real thing…it’s definitely the next best thing until I can return once again. Mahalo.

The Dudley 5:5 Male has certainly been showcased this week. The amazing thing about living and working at Londolozi is that there are just so many layers of stories and history to uncover. Fortunately having Dave Varty around means that he can regale us with first hand accounts of what has occurred here in the past and who certain people were. The story of Howard Mackie was a new one for many of us this last week. Thanks Dave for filling us in! – Rich



what camera and lens was used to take these pictures?

Hi Jeremy, I use a Nikon D90 with a Nikon 80-400mm lens, primarily, but also a Nikon D40x with an 18-200 lens. I’m still learning all the features but luckily have the opportunity to experiment lots!

The Chessicks

Amazing pics, Talley! Logan (little tracker) and I are viewing these from Vic Falls and are pretty confident that we were on some of these amazing drives with you. We had an AMAZING run and will definitely try to be back!

You definitely were, Chessicks! Come back and bring us more good luck and good tracking skills, Logan!

Willy Smith

Terrific Talley!! Interesting rock formation by the Mackie plaques…some vertical striation of some sort? The leopards natural camouflage pattern strikes me as most effective!

Thanks UW!! Loving your feedback, you need to come see it for yourself though! 🙂

Penny Parker

I am loving the “this week in photo’s” blog. Such amazing captures! And good to be back to the famous Londo’z blog, It was the one part of technological capabilities I missed while I was away on holiday!

Great to hear Penny and good to have you back on the blog – we missed you and your comments!! Rich

Shaun Roe

This blog keeps on getting better and better. Your pics are absolutely sublime. Well done Talley.

Thomas and heidi

Hi talley’s,

Sunbathing and snorkeling in the maledives, we are still full of all the excitement we had at londolozi. We are very well aware, that we experienced extraordinary luck during our week, but we also know, that your and milton’s skills made all the difference.

We enjoyed every single bit and thank you, for giving us such a marvelous time. We will never forget the phantastic drives with you, including very special occasions – one of them the heartbreaking farewell, viewing you, standing and waving on our rover.

Hopefully we will stay in contact. For now, enjoy your vacation in Bermuda

Kindest and very warm regards from

Heidi and Thomas

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