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Tom Imrie

Field Guide

Tom is the voice of wisdom, reason and logic on the Londolozi Ranging Team, as well as all the other facets that go hand-in-hand with being an intellectual far beyond the realm of most mere mortals. There are very few subjects under the ...

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on Tsunami’s, Sunspots and the Tsalala Pride

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Kate Goodman

Great article Tom.
Rich thanks for the fantastic lion cub video, very cute!

I agree Kate, it is an extremely well written article. Glad that you enjoyed the videos of the cubs. They are incredibly cute!


The beginning of your article made me a little sad. You are right mother nature is a force unto herself.
Knowing many citizens of Bahrain believe me ‘instant’ news is as bad as fast food – unbalanced and should be binned. Einstein said – “Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding”. A mantra we all should live by.
Now look at those cubs and your heart swells with the joys and genius that is mother nature. In our somewhat limited hearts and minds, perhaps there lies the balance ? Be happy.
With my best wishes to all at Londolozi

Sheena thanks for your comments, the quote by Einstein is hugely relevant as there are not many things that can be kept by force and which we thus have no control over. Things are always changing and humanity cannot and should not try to stop this change. You are right that perhaps the balance lies in the understanding nature and the natural systems, for nature itself is derived from constant change and will continue to develop making the best of whatever variables come its way…


Why does the one cub have a limp? What happened?

Morty one of the cubs was born with a slight limp. At present he is moving around with the pride, however we are keeping an interested eye to see how he progresses onwards into his life.

Penny Parker

Such abeautiful article. Its hard to believ mother nature is punishin us, when just 7 weeks ago she gave us those adorable cubs! what a video 🙂 🙂

We were fortunate to see the cubs in March. After that we visited family in Christchurch New Zealand who have been living with the effects of the earthquake. Our photos of the cubs and all of the other wonders of the bush brought smiles to faces. That is the healing force of nature.

Hi Deb, it really is nice to hear that your images of the cubs and other wonders brought smiles and healing to your family in Christchurch. I believe that the healing power of natures comes through from its ability to continually heal itself despite natural and human inflicted chaos. Thanks again for your comments. Rich

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