About the Author

Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on Update: Tsalala Pride Cubs

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Hi Rich, Really lovely story, awesome photos and fab fun to see the cubs having such a good time!…I hope you don’t mind but do you know what are the red flowers in the bottom right hand corner of the video footage? They really jumped out at me when I watched the footage. Would be fab to maybe have a future story about some of the beautiful wild blooms of Londolozi?

Hi Nix,

Glad you enjoyed the post and videos. The red tree in the video is known as a Dwarf Coral Tree and is part of the Erythrina Family. It is otherwise known as a Red Hot Poker.

Thanks for the suggestions about the wild flowers, it is always nice to hear what you would be interested in reading about. I will put some time into it for you.

I saw these cubs a few days ago! O my word they take cute to a new level!!! love them!

Graeme Marais

Rich thats a really great photo of that cub looking upwards. Without giving too much of the story away, whats the update with their Grandmother the famous tailless female, and the previous litter. They hanging in there?

Hi Graeme,

The tailless female is somewhere west of Londolozi in Ottowa. Reports say that she is with the original 4 sub-adult Tsalala lions. It appears that they are beginning to recoup from the last 10 months.


John this is amazing footage! Didn’t know you had this!
The cubs seem to have done a runner since the river came down in flood two days ago. The consensus among some of the trackers is that after the heavy rain the mother would have moved them away from the watercourse and any danger of flooding/drowning, and the last two days has seen a number of fruitless searches for them in the North. A brief glimpse of the two females was had at Mahlahla Dam yesterday morning, but this morning’s drives in the North turned up a blank slate for tracks, and a number of the team here believe the cubs have been moved East or over our northern boundary, maybe to a kill the mother and her sister could have made.
Wherever they are, we hope they are well and that the one with the limp (which I believe is actually his front left, not back, although I stand to be corrected) is on the road to recovery…


Just to clarify th above, it was the Sand River that came down strongly, leaving us unable to cross North for 24hrs, but it was the dry Manyelethi drainage that it appears the cubs have been moved away from.

Hi Rich, Thanks so much for that. I checked it out and out of the 100 or so species of Coral Tree we can only grow Erythrina crista-galli (which is apparently native to S. America) here in the much milder areas of the UK! We are clearly missing out!…

Penny Parker

Too beautiful these little things 🙂
please do keep us updated on little limpy 😉

Linda Grunebaum

We are anxious to know how the cubs are doing, especially the runt who limps. We call him “Owie” because he says “ow” when he walks.

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