About the Author

Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on Brand New: Impalas

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How beautiful, all legs ! This brought a tear to my eye this morning, isn’t life wonderful, especially new life 🙂

Very true Rosie, hopefully those were tears of joy? They are so beautiful to see in their numbers when the herd stands together. Thnks for your comment.

I think National Geographic Wild channel is showing again tonight here in the US the 2 hr. special on londolozi leopards. If so I’ll be watching.

Herman I believe the documentary will be on Nat Geo Wild for quite a while. It is called Leopard Queen.

Awesome. Thanks. 2 hrs. That’s great for you guys.

I know its fantastic isn’t it.

It is (no reason to reply if your’re busy), and should bring a lot of attention; positive/educational “attention.”

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