Involved Leopards

Nyelethi 4:4 Female

Nyelethi 4:4 Female

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About the Author

Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on No Love Lost: Nyelethi Update

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Gareth and Kerry Coats

We were on this vehicle and witnessed this spectacular scene from start to finish. Thanks Adam and Solly, it was a lovely experience and we were impressed that two bush dwellers such as yourselves were equally as enthralled as your guests – a good indicator of the rarity of the scene.
Take Care,
Gareth and Kerry Coats

It is always nice to receive comments on sightings that you actually witnessed. I remember Adam coming back from drive in a state of high excitement about what had transpired. Fortunately he had brought back video footage and pics so that we could share it with everybody else who is a keen follower of our blog. Thanks for your thoughts.



This was AMAZING to witness!
This has to be one of my fondest memories of Londolozi… or any bush holiday for that matter!

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10 April, 2798
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