About the Author

Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on Wildlife Photographs Dissected

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Wow – Rich these photos really come alive with a bit of treatment from someone who knows how. I think we should all submit our photos for editing before leaving !!


I love the modification on the first picture (leopard). The contrast level seem too strong for the lion though.

Lex, thanks for the comment. Do you think the sharpness of the lion or the contrast is too much? In hindsight I think I may have oversharpened it slightly, but I think that the color contrast works well.

wow, wow Rich! This is superb! Thanks so much for the great tips! Now we know what to do and what professionals do! thank you for using my photos! I will definitely have a go with some of my other photos! Keep the tips coming Rich! Thanks again!
I must say to all, no matter how good the photos are, nothing can beat being at Londolozi and experiencing it for real.

Sheila, thanks again for your pics to use and dissect. Keep up the progress with your other photos and remember to be absolutely ruthless between the good ones and the great ones! See you back at Londolozi soon!! Rich


Thanks for the tips Rich, a little editing makes a big difference.

Mike Miller was extraordinarily helpful last week at Londolozi. I have some shots that I would not have had without his help, e.g. night shot of a leopard in a tree. Thanks for all the tips.

Judy, I would love to see those pics, please will you send me a msg with them on our FB account? Thanks.

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