About the Author

Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on The Lies They Forgot to Tell You

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Disney shows fantasy. Londolozi shows the real thing. Which is best? Depends on the age of the viewer in my opinion although I think a child who has some education re wildlife would enjoy the real thing as well as the fantasy. Maybe my feelings are what they are because I was an avid reader as a child and engaged in fantasy with each turn of a page….the same with Disney movies.

Hi Judy, fantasy most certainly has its place in entertainment and escapism and it is a matter of choice as to which is best for the individual. I do believe that occasionally we overlook some of the other characters in the wild because we have been brought up believing them to be the ‘villains’ when they play just as significant role as the heroes. That said, I enjoy Disney movies as well and merely wanted to point out an alternative view point that struck me whilst watching these hyenas and thinking back to how they have been portrayed in the past. Many thanks for your thoughts as always.

Christa Blake

Amazing! I watched a program on hyenas just the other night and it definitely changed my perspective of them and this just stole my heart. Some of my best photos are of hyenas!

Thats great to hear. I must be honest and say that I think hyena cubs are some of the cutest subject matter to photograph out here. Especially the small black furry ones. Glad your perspective has changed, was the documentary you watch called Hyena Queen by Kim Wolhuter?


Loved the footage Richard, the subject matter lit up by late winter afternoon sunshine. Delighted you’re back on site – as for “fantasy” and “real” interesting debate subjects.

Our reality here in nature must be like a fantasy to those based in cities – ever grateful for that reality and you sharing it, reminding us how lucky we are.

Glad you loved the footage Heidi Lee, the late winter afternoon sunshine always adds a huge amount to any animals or scenery. I tend to agree with you as reality in nature is very far removed from the city life and I often wonder if our urban existence is not a fantasy thought up many centuries ago that has now come true. Its a great pleasure sharing it with you. Thanks for your thoughts.

Ah…but nothing cuter than wart hogs…so ugly they’re cute!

We’ll have to wait until late November when the warthogs give birth. I’ll make sure I film so for you and put them up. Very cute animals…when they’re young.


Wow, what awesome footage! This site looks very similar to the wild dog den which we were privileged enough to see at Londolozi a couple of years ago, did they perhaps borrow it?

Hi Nicky, glad you like the footage. There are many hyena dens around Londolozi and there is a possibility it could be an old wild dog den site. These den sites are used by many different animals over time. This is however, not the wild dog den site which we was active in the southern section of Londolozi last year. Hope that helps.

Hi Richard, many thanks for the great footage! Agree with all your comments. It is incorrect perception that has been created of the nature of the hyena that is causing the misunderstanding.


Just back from our safari at Londolozi, we are frequentky asked our favorite animal…both my husband and I choose thia hyena den. The pups were so active and engaging with the females. We even saw the little black cub!

I think that the uniqueness of being able to sit and watch the hyenas at ‘home’ in their den makes it a very special experience for many of the guests who spend time their. As you may have gathered from the post, hyenas are often misunderstood, overlooked and not given credit for the remarkable role they play in balancing the wilderness environments in which they exist. Oh, and the cubs are just incredibly cute to watch!

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