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Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on Lion Warfare – An Update Part 4

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We can’t be sure of the developments as Idube has just Reported that Two Mapogos(probably Dreadlocks and the Mapogo with bent Spine) spent the night roaring and then crossed the Eastern Boundary in the morning ,Remember on the 8th July it was this previously injured Mapogo with bent spine and his Twin brother(Rasta) who had gone East when Fighting was heard on Elephant plains and the Twin Rasta Mapogo is still missing and presumed dead, so it seems that though Mapogos are now down to only 4 males but still they are Reluctant to give up Eastern Sabisands to Majingilanes ,It may also have been that these two Twin Mapogos had been attacked by Majingilanes on 8th July in the East and now after recovering the Twin Mapogo and Dreadlocks Mapogo have gone East to take Revenge of their Two Brothers (Rasta Mapogo & Kinky Tails) Death from Majingilanes,Please keep us updated on any new developments between Majingilanes and Mapogos in the East.

Thanks for sharing!!



We were there that week…and watched these two brothers relax after their meal. It was amazing to follow the brother through the brush to his “hidden” kill. Our trip to Londolozi was spactacular… I am happy to continually relive its highlights

Thanks for your comments Sue, I’m glad that you were able to see the sighting in person and experience a small part of the unfolding story taking place. There will be more highlights to follow.




I need to ask..with the Majins in the East and the Mapogos in the West, was hoping somebody could tell me the distance that separates the two coalitions. I’ve always wondered how they patrol and how close they get to each others territories over distance covered. Also, whats the status and health of Makulu Mapogo and the rest of the coalition? Would surely appreciate some info.



Hi al,

Lion territories aren’t always defined by a single boundary. More often than not, different males will have territories that overlap one another in certain places. This overlapping is the loose boundary which begins to define the territories. This boundary can be shared and occupied by neighboring males at different times or at the same time, which often results in territorial battles (as we saw in mid-June when the new males rolled in). As far as we know at Londolozi, this boundary area between the Mapogos and the Majingilanes is around Ximpalapala Koppies on western Marthly. East is Majingilane and West is Mapogo. It has been a while since the Mapogos were seen there so the distance separating the coalitions is a good few kilometers at present.

Lions, males in particular, are able to roam vast distances, particularly around their own territories. Depending on the size of territory determines the distances roamed. As such I cannot give you an accurate answer about the distances currently being covered.
I am also not sure what the status is on the Makulu male as he is in the West. The rest of the Mapogo coalition seems to be staying in the west and occupying unchallenged territory there. As a dominant coalition they are starting to reach the end of their prime and as such I believe they may not come out of the west other than to defend it.

How does all the above information sit with you? Any new thoughts or questions?




Hey thanks a ton for the info. Didn’t expect it so soon. I unexpectedly came across this whole story of the Mapogos of Londolozi watching a YouTube video of John Varty sneaking up on a resting male lion. He gave a bit of introduction about the cat, I typed it in Google and was instantly introduced to a world of awe and violence as I have never researched lions like this before.

The Makulu Mapogo intrigues me like nothing else. He seems larger than most lions. Any specifics about his size and weight – estimate? Also, what about the other three lions, with the exception of Mr_t/SATAN? How are they holding on especially their physical conditions? I’d be overjoyed to see recent pics if any.

Once again, much appreciation for such a swift and well put response.



Al, glad you found the information interesting. I know the video that you are talking about with JV sneaking up on the resting male. 😉

As mentioned in the previous comment, I know nothing about the wellbeing of the Makulu male, however the following links will be helpful to you in furthering your research. You can try Rob the Ranger here: http://www.facebook.com/robtheranger or try Idube blog here http://idubelodge.blogspot.com/. There is also the Wildearth community to discuss Mapogo information, find them here: http://idubelodge.blogspot.com/. There should be people there who will be able to give you estimations of his size, weight, etc. BUt off the top of my head, you’re looking at 200 – 240 kg. Anything over 250kg is a very big male lion.
You will also be able to find recent pics of them on these resources. If they venture onto Londolozi anytime soon, I will definitely put some pics and video up.

At present we have the Majingilanes moving throughout much of our central and northern areas. It will be worth understanding a following this coalition of males as well. They will certainly play their part in Sabi Sands history. You can find more resources on them here: http://blog.londolozi.com/2010/08/lion-warfare-an-update-part-4/

Please let me know how it goes and continue to contribute to the blog with your questions, thoughts and discussion. It is great to be able to provide answers to you and everybody else who is reading this.



Good man

Excellent. I had messaged Rob earlier, was able to acquire some specific information from him about the status of the Mapogos. I’ve checked out Mala Mala Cyber D along with the above mentioned blogs. FANTASTIC. I most certainly am following the Majins story as it plays out and will continue to follow through with thoughts and questions accordingly.

Do look forward to image and video updates. I have to thank you much for such continuous efforts and contributions.


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