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James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on Lion Warfare: The Old Adversaries Return

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Awesome blog James. Exciting times ahead. It will be interesting to see how the dynamics develop between the eternal enemies.

This is so exciting! I am happy that none of the Sparta or Tsalala lions were hurt or killed, but to see all of those Hyenas is a sight for sure! I can’t wait to hear what happened next. These Matshipiri males seem to be staying…I hope that isn’t bad news for the Tsalala boys. Just wondering, what happened to the female that originally came to Londolozi with them?


What a story… Thank you. Can’t wait for what happened after the Matshapiri male came charging in.

Interesting post James, and well written!

I can’t believe that I’ve missed all this action just 3 days after leaving Londolozi! Wish I was back there to witness that epic event! How exciting but won’t this spell more trouble for the leopards? Hope the Mashaba female and her two cubs stay safe.

S.w. Tsang

lucky hyenas. we never see those big game so called hunters kill any hyenas and post them in their facebook pages like that dentist has done to Cecile and other lions ( leopards ). Is hell lot harder to hunt down a hyena or a clan than one big cat with zero stamina and a big mane .

God is on the side of hyenas or the ego of man .

I am shocked that the hyenas were able to send off the lions given the numbers on each side. The tailless lioness lost her tail and nearly her life to the hyenas. The adolescent males should be able to hold their own against them as their previous battle showed. It is amazing how much the grown males tip the balance of power and how eager they can be to confront a whole clan. The have no fear which makes them so amazing. I can’t wait to hear what happened next. RIP Cecil the lion. The entire world is mourning his death and the cowardly ruthless hunter is in hiding and hopefully will be extradited and justice will be served.

Mike C

Was extremely fortunate to be there witnessing all this first hand. Love reading your perspective on it James, thanks for the insight. Some crazy lion activity during the 4 days we were there, but I won’t ruin the rest of the story….

A very good and detailed article. I have a lot of interest in these interspecies interactions. Thank you.


Great article! It has been a few years since our visit to Londolozi but the lessons learned and the incredible things we saw created a impression that lives on. It lends context when reading news articles of a dentist who pays $50,000 not to witness the majesty of nature or devoting the funds to its conservation but rather to masquerade as a “hunter” whilst an animal is lured out for him to experience a thrill. How sad. How shallow. How utterly ignorant, misguided and cruel.

vaseem baig

thanks James for the wonderful description of wildlife happenings in real. you are lucky person no doubt though, your guests are also lucky to witness such adrenaline pumping scenario and as you rightly mentioned, no words or expressions can relive the action drama that unfolded.

i am visiting Sabisands early next month and hope to see the legendary lions Magiingis, Matimbas, etc sleeping if not fighting.

thanks again for the blog,

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