on A Few Reasons Why South Africa is Simply Awesome

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Kate what a lovely inspirational blog. I am so proud of this beautiful country we call home. We are Africans because Africa is in our blood. Cant wait for the next blog in the series.

Thank you Marinda! We have such a beautiful country. Keep an eye out – the next blog is coming soon.


AWESOME! Given our political morass, the global economic commodity meltdown, the growing incidence of terror attacks and illegal human migrations it is ALWAYS good to check in on the good. Nice one!

Thank you Steuart. Your talk was so inspirational – we have lots of reasons to be proudly South African. Hope to see you again soon.

Master Tracker

Having visited many of the safari hotspots in East and Southern Africa I would say that South Africa has a huge amount to offer both the first time visitor and experienced Africa visitor.
I have seen the Great Whites, Whales and gone Turtle Trekking. I have seen massive tuskers at Tembe and large amounts of Leopard at Sabi Sands.
The problems are pretty obvious and I winced at some of the poverty I have seen – but the overwhelming feeling is of a country on the up.

Thank you Ian – as you say there are so many beautiful places to explore. I have lived here for 28 years and there is still so much I have yet to see and do…

Evette Hartig

From my very first visit I fell in love with South Africa, the landscape, the animals and the people! There is no place like it in the world. This year will be my 4th visit and I hope to return for as long as my health and budget allow. We all have political, economic and terrorist issues, you are blessed in so many other ways.

Thank you Evette, I love hearing this and I am very glad to hear you are visiting again.

Jill Grady

Great blog Kate and I wish I’d been there to hear Steuart speak. I am Canadian and we have a beautiful country, but since I was 10 years old I dreamt of seeing Africa…actually longed to see Africa. I can’t describe to you what I felt when I stepped off the plane onto South African soil 2 years ago…it was a feeling of coming home, which is a strange way to feel for someone who is not South African I suppose. Over the next 2 weeks the beauty of your Country and the warmth and generosity of the South African people only ingrained this feeling more in my heart. The day we left I stood on the Tree Camp deck and watched the Elephants grazing below and cried, and very kind Matthews said to me “Once you’ve been to Africa, you will always return…you will come back.” So…not only the beauty of your country and the wildlife there makes South Africa simply amazing, but the very warm, kind and absolutely amazing South African people touch your heart in a way that I have never seen before. So absolutely, South Africa is simply amazing.

Thank you Jill for your lovely words. I hope you will be back soon. As you say, South Africa is beautiful but so are the people – so diverse in every way.

Great Blog Kate, there are so many aspects of South Africa that make it the most unbelievable destination to come and explore. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to seeing more posts about our countries amazing offerings.

Thank you Rich, we are very privileged to live here and especially to live and work at Londolozi. I have lots more to share in my next blog.

Karin Mac

What a lovely blog Kate. The pics are stunning. We are so incredibly lucky to live here.

Thank you Karin, we are very lucky to live here #proudlysouthafrican!

According to the John Templeton Foundation in the US, South Africa is considered to be one of the most “grateful” countries in the world.

Refer – https://www.templeton.org/grateful

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