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Adam Bannister


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on The Lions – Breakaway Sparta Pride (2+1)

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Mele Andru

Certainly Sparta pride touch my heart…
Great job Adam !! It ‘s one beautiful story and how lovely characters are these lions. I didn’t know they were all males…and I didn’t know Solo accepted them …
The meeting between Solo and cubs is awesome , deserve a reward that photo.
Maybe you will say a similar story of Sparta pride -Solo and his 2 brothers plus 4 beauty lioness .
Many thanks !!!!


Fantastic Adam! I am really hoping things work out for these lionesses. Sometimes I think their life would be easier with the cub gone (hard to say but i think true) as they have no males to protect them and then they could rejoin their main pride.

Thanks, Adam, for sharing the continued saga of the Sparta pride. Londolozi was such a powerful encounter we want it to live on once we’re gone. This blog is a fantastic touchpoint!

Alan Wilks

Heartrending, but wonderfully described. Will the dry season make it more difficult for the trio to remain under the radar?

Alan that is a fantastic question. One, which we cant be too sure of the answer to. At the moment the bush is incredibly thick and green and this must make it much easier for the lions to hide away; however the extent to which lions use smell in detecting other lions, is something Im not sure we really know. Remember these 3 lions have already endured an entire winter in hiding, even when much of their territory was burnt after the October fires. This gives me confidence that they are very good at the hide-and-seek game!


Hi Adam,
I Think The Survival of Remaining Cub Depends More on the Male Lion Dynamics in the Area Till Now Majingis Were Merely Trying to Takeover more Land but with the Emergence of New Coalition of 4 Males from KNP the Majingis have Got Something to Think About Because if Majingis Stay Preoccupied Outside their Core Territiory Then there is a Good Chance that These 4 New Males Will Move In and Kill the Young Styx Cubs Sired by Majingis.
Moreover With the Demise of 4th Sparta Male the Sparta Coalition is Now Down to just 3 ,So Maybe Solo+ 2 Sparta Males Might Decide to Include this Young Male Cub Also into their Coalition in the Coming Months Because With All the Big Coalitions in Sabisands the Single Male Cub Has Little Chance of Dominating Any Pride Alone in the Future.
So,Interesting Times Lie Ahead For the Pride in the Coming Months.

Great article. Thank you.

Nice one Ad!


So sad to hear about the 2 cubs. We watched the cubs reunite with the pride for the first time back in August.

Mandie labella

Thank you 4 the update love it

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