The Week in Pictures #277
Recently it has been very hard to explore too far into the reserve because a lot of the action has been happening right around the lodges each day. This last …
Recently it has been very hard to explore too far into the reserve because a lot of the action has been happening right around the lodges each day. This last …
“Practice isn’t about trying to throw ourselves away and become something better. It’s about befriending who we are already.”- Pema Chodron Animals fully inhabit their bodies. They eat when they’re …
At Londolozi we believe that one of the greatest ways to discover and connect with people is through food. Watching how elephants were taking advantage of the heavily laden Marula …
If you haven’t yet, be sure to visit our Leopards of Londolozi website, which we launched last year as part of our 90th Birthday Celebrations. It profiles the various territorial leopards …
There is no argument that tiny, blue-eyed leopard cubs are heart melters. Mewling, fumbling about in long grass with spots so close together they look grey… I don’t know anyone …
In years gone by trackers would amaze guests when they spotted the incredibly well-camouflaged flap necked chameleons. Nestled in amongst the branches of a tree, the trackers would see a slight …
I’m going to share a secret with you. It’s not a big, juicy, scandalous secret. It’s a small one. One that you might already know something about, if you are …
“Taking an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich reality truly is.” One of the fantastic things about photography is that it allows us to return to and ponder the …
This is not so much a showcase of the best results possible. Rather it’s the sharing of a journey to understanding the purpose and power of a very different photographic …
One of the things I most enjoy about summer in the Lowveld is the increase in the amount of waterbodies due to the higher rainfall. The surrounding vegetation is also …
At Londolozi you may know we often take ideas from popular and historic great dishes, some of which include our tagines, our Warldorf salad and our Londolozi Benedict; in turn …
“We do not inherit the world from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” – Native American Proverb. A very rare occasion today as I write a blog that …
Walt Disney’s The Lion King is one of my all-time favourite movies. As a child I would watch it time after time, being amused and enthralled by each scene as …
Working in the Cubs Den, walking between camps is a daily occurrence. Over the past 3 months of being back at Londolozi I have started to take more notice of the …
At the conclusion of another memorable week at Londolozi, I look back and consider myself extremely fortunate to have witnessed such incredible sightings and to be exposed to such a …