One of the things I most enjoy about summer in the Lowveld is the increase in the amount of waterbodies due to the higher rainfall. The surrounding vegetation is also incredibly dense and supports a myriad of animals. But a few days ago, the animals we were in search of were birds. A guest of mine and I went out after breakfast to go and look for birds in a series of waterholes very close to camp. It was a very hot day and our expectations were not too high as a result. Nonetheless, we were interested in adding a few more birds to the list.

African fish eagles have a large wingspan and usually swoop down to catch fish with their talons over large, open bodies of water.
On the way to the waterhole, we passed a small stream, and were searching for green-backed cameropteras, yellow-breasted apalises and other small birds which inhabit the thick scrub around water. Suddenly, the shadow of a large bird swooped down through the trees and vanished behind a clump of reeds. All that we heard was a splash.
The next thing we saw was a young African fish eagle fly up out of the reed, holding a huge catfish in one of its feet. African fish eagles are well known for their iconic behaviour of swooping down low over the water and grabbing fish just beneath the surface. However, what truly struck me was the ability of the eagle (with a wingspan of up to two meters) to manoeuver through the trees and catch a catfish in such a secluded stream. This usually happens on larger, more open bodies of water. Once the eagle had caught the fish, it managed to perch on top of a dead tree with the other foot. The catfish had no chance. When a fish eagle catches a fish, its sharp talons (which can be up to 5cm in length) form a trap-like grasp that the fish cannot escape from.

Although not the eagle seen on this particular day, here an African fish eagle flies up after catching a small fish just below the water surface. Once gripped in the eagles talons, it is extremely difficult for the fish to get out.
It turns out that being able to navigate dense bush to catch fish is not the only adaptation that fish eagles use to catch fish. Not only can they compensate for the refraction of the water to judge where the fish is exactly beneath the surface, but it has also been reported that if an African fish eagle catches a fish that is too large for it to pull out of the water, the eagle may even drop down into the water and attempt to swim to a nearby bank before letting go of its prized catch. This is, however, extremely uncommon – most likely due to the high density of crocodiles that are also found in the water the fish eagles hunt.
They are also extremely territorial birds, occupying a very specific section of river or a water hole. Fish are not the only animals that need to keep a watchful eye for these eagles, as they have been reported to also catch other birds on the wing, small crocodiles and even monkeys. Furthermore, I have witnessed them stealing fish from storks and herons on several occasions.

An African fish eagle perches alongside a waterhole at sunset, surveying the water for the movement of fish below. Photograph by David Dampier
It is often the case out here that when expectations are slightly lowered, the most incredible things seem to happen. In all the times I have seen an African fish eagle catch a fish, it has usually been out in the open, and there has never been a serious birder nearby. Sightings like these truly are a highlight for most of us who work out here and I am glad I got to share it with Larry, who was blown away by the birdlife at Londolozi.
Sounds superb, and very fortunate.
But of course, if you get out and look, you get and see.
wingspan of up to two meters ??, woow that’s incredible !!!. Thanks for the wonderful article.
Nice article Shawn. Beautiful bird and awesome that you got to see it catch a fish. You have some beautiful birds in Africa. Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Thank you Shawn for sharing. African fish eagles , for me, are the epitome of Africa. On all my visits to African countries, whenever I hear them call, I feel like coming home. They are such amazing birds.