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Amanda Ritchie

Marketing Manager

Amanda is the Londolozi Marketing Manager & has been in the marketing, advertising & creative industry for 15 years & the health and wellness industry for 9 years. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Journalism from The University of Cape Town ...

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on Day 3 – Learning Presence With Lion

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The state or fact of existing, occurring or being present in a solace or thing.
A Lion is true oneself!

Full body chills after that day! I am a force for good in this world !
This is such a beautiful gift that I wish everybody could experience and be open to experiencing because the changes that it has brought on are so deep and valuable .

Goodness…that was uplifting and enlightening….
So MUCH inner roar…

This is such a relaxing time for me. Thank you so much everyone! I look forward to it every day.

I’m Leo- hear me roar, feel my power and strength but also my softness, loyalty and love. Beautiful and inspiring lesson.

This series has come at such an opportune time for me! I am finding relationship with a horse I bought 3 years ago to help me build my confidence back up after a riding accident. In the 3 years I have had him I have used every excuse in the book not to work with him! lol. These meditations started the same time I have started working with him. I really need to find my inner lion & this meditation was bang on for me! For me, it highlighted that intention combined with presence will help me be the leader I need to be. I absolutely adore this work & so look forward to the next & the next & the next. Thank you so kindly.

Horse… Man’s best friend! Better than a dog! They happen with them, these things – they’re almost necessary. The fall makes you a better rider! Believe in yourself and beat your fear because you have to be sure in yourself in working with horses. He will feel your spirit and connect with you again. Like an elephant, and a horse remembers your interaction with him. I’m rooting for you!

Thank you so much Ana, for your kind words. I am going slow, for my sake, not his & we are slowly building our relationship. I know I have it in me to become one with him, to build our trust together, & I can see it happening. Thanks again for the encouragement, it means a lot to me.

Powerful imagery in this meditation.

I’be been lucky to have ey3-to-eye on multiple occasions with Lions. This was a great meditation and oce again, I listened twice. The breathing exercise was different, meaningful and fun all at the same time. Thanks you. MK

For a whole host of reasons I began isolating myself from others nearly two years before government mandated isolation due to the pandemic. I have been telling myself I am safer and better off mostly alone. This was particularly timely as I saw the footage of the Tsalala and Ntsevu conflict yesterday after having wondered about Tsalala and how she has been. That conflict, paired with today’s exercises has made it clear to me that while yes, I can function and survive alone just as she is, I need to find my own pride. Denying you need something that you are in fact in great need of, doesn’t stop the need, it just cuts you off from being able to receive it. Time to build my own community, albeit from a social distance at the moment.

What a powerful lion meditation! What an inspiring oracle card… Embracing the purifying fire of these times, igniting to purpose, presence, peace. Deep gratitude! <3

This poem is the gift that came through me from all this:

Finding Flame

Here we are:
a swirling of spirit in stardust;
GaiaBreath and SeaSpark
Lionroar and cricketsong.
It won’t be long before you, too, are humming
with the fullness of treelight in your lungs.
Can you feel your heartbeat quicken in the freedom of bare feet?
Can you see how much the wind loves each feather and leaf?
As you move towards the open horizon, try not to trust it…
and then let go, laughing at the absurdity of it all.
Who are we if not expansive as the ocean,
adaptive as okapi,
resilient as the grasslands after a hard rain?
It is time now for the phoenixheart to burst forth,
burn through the old fears, ignite to sacred purpose
in the newness of this again.

Great meditation with Lion. Strong and confident, yet calming and beautiful. This was particularly insightful for me today. And I did laugh at myself during the breath work :)) Thank you for this wonderful Day 3.

I began running at age 70 – I ran 7.28 miles in 1:34:34🤗

I am truly enjoying this nature connection activities. I look forward doing them. For me, this come as I am finishing a project and planning a peaceful garden with some small benches so I can observe nature more.

I love Lions Breath!!

Inspiring, quietening, relaxing

Senior Digital Ranger

Feeling very powerful after this lesson. Lion equals strength. Bring on my Ndzengha males force!

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