on The Week in Pictures # 24

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Archna Singh

Wow! as always brilliant and am speechless.

Thanks so much Archna! I was also speechless with the amount of action this week!

Jane West

Another stunning week of photos Talley! My new word for the day is “thermoregulation” which I think should also be applied to politicians!

Thanks Janie, perhaps also it could be applied to the rate at which wine is poured at west-Alee…


Love those pics Talley! Wow … so interesting and beautiful … and I agree with Jane. I like the word because it makes me sound smart …. I’ll try and use it frequently this Christmas! LOL
Thanks for sharing …. xoxoxo

Joe and Kathy Propersi

Great photos…they bring back many wonderful memories of our time in Londolozi.

Thanks Joe and Kathy, hope you can come back soon.

Andrea Casling

Hi Talley! Wow, quite a week you have had! Loved all the pix, and wished I had been sitting behind you when it was all happening. Sure brings back some wonderful memories…I have done some really cool things in my life, but the coolest of all was Londolozi…It is an understatement when folks say, Africa changes your life! xxx Cuckoo PS Merry Christmas

Cuckoo!! You would have loved it and hopefully you can come back soon with Jackson! Merry Christmas and lots of love xxx

What fantastic photos and blog. Thank you so much.

Thank you!!


Great blog & photos. Tailless 2’s (TT2) foot sure looks a mess. Poor girl.

You’re right Syl, it’s incredible to me how tough the Tsalala girls are.

Diane Harto

As an artist for a living, I may never have the money to travel to see this kind of thing in the wild myself. I’m very grateful to have a chance to see this close up view of these wonderful animals in their natural habitat. They don’t look the same when in captivity. I will study many of these photographs while I carve and teach others to carve.This kind of reference material is so necessary to my work. Thank you.

Diane, as someone who has also chosen to do what they love in life as opposed to what makes the most money, I can respectfully relate, but I would encourage you to – if you get the chance – explore different options of coming to see Africa as there are lots of ways for a range of budgets!

Mike & Chris

Wonderful photos. We miss it already.

We miss you guys already! Freddy and I are picking out new birding spots for when you come back!


WOW. I didn’t know the Majingis manes have darken that much. They all looked like dominant males now.

Francis, they are very impressive lions, that’s for sure!

Willy Smith

The best yet! What variety you see there! The Diederik’s cuckoo is splendid. I wonder about the leopard’s spots. I don’t see them as very good camouflage, but perhaps it is….what is the story? Thanks for the great pictures! I am sure it is hard work to get them.
Great job, Talley!

Hi UW!! I agree it’s hard to imagine that those striking spots (or ‘rosettes’ as is the proper term for the leopard’s coat pattern) help them to blend in. However, when they are in the shade or in thickets of vegetation they can be very difficult to see! I will try to include a ‘spot the leopard’ photo in the coming weeks to show this. Although I still think you should come see for yourself 🙂


Fantastic photos!
The circle of life, in one post.
Thank you,

Thanks Chuck!

Debra Wortman

Photos are awesome,Talley!

Thanks Debra! 🙂 Levi came to visit the other day!


Wow….some terrific camera work. The scars on the predators show just how tough a life they really lead. thankyou.

Thanks Norman, we are reminded every day how tough life can be even for the ‘king of the jungle’.


Love the pics Talley … maybe one day we’ll get to go but it’s lovely to see it through your lens and amazing eye! Look forward to seeing more … Merry Christmas! XOXOX

Thanks so much Margie, you and Wendell and the kids need to come soon! Merry Christmas xxx

Scar hip has that distinct look on his face when he’s looking down

OMG, Talley! Once again you come through with simply stunning set of pictures that tell quite the tales! I was actually gasping as I looked through them, just awesome. x

Tripp and Zoe

Tellis!! This is so incredible. We’re sitting “awf” at the piano reading your blog. This is UNBELIEVABLE!! That poor Wildebeast and her calf. I guess it’s the circle of life. Just amazing. We’re going to log on to ba.com to book a trip because we need to be there NAW! XOXOXOXO

Penny Parker

What a week! A wildebeest birthing ON FOOT! must have been a once in a lifetime moment for those lucky guests. The birding photo’s are especially beautiful this week. The bunting is gorgeous, the dederick striking as always (with such a great call) and those knob-billed ducks fighting – wow, what a treat.


whiche majing male lion is dominate and older one? if anybody know…

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