on Wild Dog pup killed by Leopard and Hyena

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Good grief Sanjana, what an experience! I would have held my breath whilst the dogs attacked the leopard (thank goodness he had a very lucky escape) and I don’t think I could have watched the hyenas rip the puppy apart, but all the same, one cannot help marvel at the speed and voracity of both the hyena and wild dogs when they have a successful hunt. Certainly one of those rare sightings that you will never forget – thank you for sharing and for having the ability to keep taking photos! Extraordinary stuff!

Marc Shilleto

Absolutely Amazing series of events,wow

Chris Courteau

Wowww wowww woww…
What a sight. This kind of story happen once in a lifetime as a Guest, and pretty much the same for so many guides whom are working on a daily basis in the bush.
The way this story was told made me like have been there, I can almost hear the sounds, screams of the Dogs, the leopard, and even the hyeanas. What a day in the bush.
It’s always sad and difficult for people to see wild dog Puppies been killed by lions or leopards but, it is what it is , Mother Nature is not soft…
I wish I was there anyway, it was a wild thing.


wow what an exciting and sad moment never to be forgotten for sure. Thank you so much for sharing your story which was so well written I felt like I was right there on the edge of my seat. just wow.

Sandy Johnson

This news is breaking my heart. I know it is nature, but just two weeks ago I watched these wonderful pups play and that very leopard walk by our vehicle with his injured eye and worried for him. I wish Pink Nose at least would have been able to benefit from the pup’s death. Amazing pictures Sanjana and Brian and indeed a once in a lifetime experience.

It makes me sad, but you expressed it correctly, they kill because they must eat. One must respect that and acknowledge the rest of the pack did what they could to help, and then cut their losses. That must be hard to watch…thanks for hanging in there to record it. MOST times I envy your job…sometimes not.

And what a lovely picture of the meal that could have been (the rhino for the dogs) the one who should have feasted (the leopard on a pup) and no trace of those who interrupted both feasts. They seem to be sharing a nod and a wink…thanks and sorry. They are both amazing!

Brutal, frightening, but what a story…and you captured it magnificently….photos and text. Thank you.

Penny Parker

Your words had me literally on the edge of my seat, with a lump in my throat. A shockingly well told tale of the brutality that the wild shows. A once in a lifetime experience for sure. Terrifyingly fascinating. I strongly admire your choice to leave all parties to mourn and have their peace. Thanks again.


Can u have the describing of the wild event more simple and also the video of the story!!

Christa Blake


Pranav Sawhney

Beautifully written piece! And excellent photographs there Sanjana x

Khushnoor H. Patel

GREAT JOB SANJANA. super super pix. i ENVY you being in south africa.

wish you a lot of success & many more.


LE COQ Ghislaine

Fantastic ! You’re lucky to be in such a country to be closed the aimals! Wonderful ! Kisses. Gigi

Satish puri

What an experience recited wonderfully, never to be forgotten in one’s life. You have guts grandchild. What a flow in your writing. BRAVO! It was as if I was holding the camera, trembling but
steadfast glued to YOUR thoughts. Thanks.

Praveen Kapoor

Great going Sanjana! Elegant writing, riveting pictures! Thanks for sharing your experiences.

Mridul Dhaniwala

Excellent work, Sanjana! 😀

I can only echo the compliments and comments made above. My friends and I were lucky enough to see the pups while they were still in their den a couple of weeks ago. It makes it even more personal when you have seen the animals. Thank you for your riveting account. Makes me want to return even more in the hope that I too could experience the circle of life…for better and sometimes worse.


Sanjana,Very impressed to read such a well written and photographed piece from our brave young grandneice. Wish you all the success in life.With lots of love, Masi


Thank you for the respect you have shown for each of these animals. Nature has such a hard way about her sometimes…

Harshul Madan

It’s fascinating how you have captured African wild dog ,hyena ,leopard, big giant rhinoceros and the veracity of nature. Everything is elegant -the piece ,the photos the idea. It’s good to know you are learning about life through an unconventional angle. Keep up the learning ….good luck!

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