on A Showreel of My Early Londolozi Highlights

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Stunning video Cameron. It was lovely driving with you. We thoroughly enjoyed it, and learned a lot.

Master Tracker

I have never met Brain Jackman but I have met Jonathan Scott -who (with) Jackman co-wrote The Marsh Lions.
Many of the Londolozi blogs and photography resemble this work.

Senior Digital Ranger

Welcome aboard Cameron. You are one fortunate fellow to be able to join the Londolozi family. And, based on your video, Londolozi is fortunate to have you.

Lovely montage Cameron. I look forward to following more of your work. Congratulations on joining Londolozi. I envy you!

Absolutely loved the video…more, more!

Jill Grady

Beautiful video Cameron! Congratulations on joining the exceptional Londolozi team and I look forward to further of your blogs and videos.

Gripping!! I could not take my eyes off of it! Thank you…wonderful!

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10 April, 2798
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