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Sean Cresswell

Alumni Ranger

Sean is one of the humblest rangers you are likely to meet. Quietly going about his day, enriching the lives of the many guests he takes out into the bush, it is only when he posts a Week in Pictures or writes an ...

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on The Week in Pictures #175

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Stunning images Sean. The jet stream comes from OR Thambo airport, and it is going to Mauritius.

Thanks, Marinda! I’m willing to suggest that it could be an inbound flight from Australia, overnight, coming in to OR Thambo. Rob reckons it could be going to Durban, possibly from Mozambique. Egos are holding strong…

Epic week in pictures well done Seano. Loving your photography. The large elephant bull is incredible

Master Tracker

Lovely pictures of both the Kingfisher and the Tusker. They are so rare, in 18 trips to Africa I have only seen big Tuskers in two places, such a shame that so many have fallen to both trophy hunters and poaching.

I agree, Ian, very sad to see their demise. In my lifetime, this Tusker was only a second sight for me; the first being in central KNP many years ago, one I will never forget! Glad you enjoyed the Kingfisher shot too. Keep well

Jill Grady

Beautiful images Sean! The elephant bull is my favourite but they are all fantastic. I’m sorry to see the Styx cub with an infected or injured eye…hopefully it will heal and she will not be left with permanent damage in the eye. I wish everyone at Londolozi a wonderful weekend.

Thanks very much, Jill.
Yes the Styx cub is saddening to see, as is any sight of an injured animal. But, as we’ve seen in nature, and more specifically with lions (the Tsalala Pride’s tailless female and her mother, also a tailless lioness!) they can be extremely resilient. It seems that the cub’s eye is damaged beyond repair, but maybe we will be pleasantly surprised. I feel that even if it never heals she will be fine without it, as she will continue to reap the reward of the support of the Styx Pride.

Andy Cresswell

Great. Look forward to next weeks report…photos and writing!!

Harriet Croome

What fantastic pictures Sean, just breathtaking. When you say ‘portrait’ do you mean the bull elephant is a drawing/painting??? Do you make much use of Twitter, if so would like to follow you.

Hi Harriet,
Thank you very much, I’m glad you enjoyed them!
Sorry, by using ‘portrait’ I was meaning that it is a front-on photograph of the subject’s face, and the dimension of the image is taller than it is wider. Sometimes even wildlife photography can offer great portraiture opportunities, and not only ‘people photography’. And so, it is a photograph, I have just processed it in monochrome, shaded some areas, and added some contrast to the skin to ‘pop’ those wrinkles!
I no longer make much use of Twitter, as I’m on Instagram more frequently; both handles are @seancrez and I’d be very pleased if you followed.
Have a great week!

barbara sanders

spectacular shot of the Kudu….a favorite of mine. Wish I had a print of this for my wall to enjoy every day!

Glad you enjoy this one, Barbara, it is a very special pose in a gloomy backdrop and it is not very often viewing at animal from such a low angle. Please contact me via news@londolozi.co.za and I’m sure we can organise something!

Senior Digital Ranger

Well Sean you have stunned me totally as all your pictures are just so beautiful, but the Tusker is so majestic <3 Enjoy the rest of the weekend & hope that you find lots of Easter Eggs tomorrow 🙂

Thanks, Wendy, and yes I did find many Easter Eggs and had a wonderful weekend. I hope you did too!

Fantastic Sean! The Tusker is my absolute favourite 🙂

I agree with Andy – looking forward to the next report (photos and writing)! Love the nomadic hyena.


Very overdue post but just catching up – the big tusker is magnificent, great stuff Sean! And the Lilac Breasted Roller is great to see 🙂

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