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Nick Tennick

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Nick has always loved the outdoors and never turns down an opportunity for an adventure. After finishing high school in Johannesburg, where he grew up, Nick spent a gap year in the Zimbabwean bushveld which truly sparked his love for wildlife and conservation ...

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on An Epic Encounter between African Painted Dogs and Hyenas

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Senior Digital Ranger

wow. amazing experience!!! Great photography too!!!!

Thanks Mark!

Nick, thanks for sharing this encounter. The pictures and video were superb. While hard to watch the death of an animal it is the life of another in the bush.

Thanks William. While the footage can be shocking and a tough watch – it truly is amazing to capture these moments and Sersant did it well.

Wow Nick, what a wild and wonderful encounter! I hope to visit Londolozi some day, and wild dogs are at the top of my list!!

It really was wild, Paul. We look forward to having you and exploring the Reserve for those Wild Dogs one day…

I will never understand the mad rushes to see kills. I know it is a necessary part of nature but I try to avoid the actual killing views – and do not find them entertaining. And a calf!

Hi Linda, The observing of kills in the wild is more of a chance than anything else. The mad rush is in the thrill of keeping up with the Wild dogs which can move around incredibly quickly. As for their diet, which is highly carnivorous, there is a higher chance of seeing them kill as they need to feed twice a day.

Wow Nick the sounds that came out there is incredible. Hyenas just take over the kill and within minutes there was nothing left. I always feel sorry for the predator that made the kill, just to loose it to the hyenas. Shame the painted dogs will have to hunt again and this time I hope the greedy hyenas don’t come and eat their kill. It looks to me Joy has been in the bush much too long, and he knows all sounds and even mimic the sounds. Well done Joy!!!

The sounds are amazing! Thanks for the comment Valmai. Joy loves the Hyenas and so we always have a big discussion as to who deserves the meal!

Terrific reporting of one of your most memorable sightings Nick, especially adding that impressive video. This sighting truly illustrates the opportunistic nature of hyenas regardless of the predator victor.

A truly memorable sighting, this pack of wild dogs versus hyenas and vultures as well.
It is really amazing how fast the hyenas have devoured their prey including the bones.

Their ability to eat everything and at a scary speed will always amaze me Christa!

Oh goodness, I knew wild dogs kill their prey by tearing them apart alive, but I expected the poor calf to die much quicker. I couldn’t finish it after hearing its distress calls continue for so long.

Hi Chelsea – I’m sorry that the footage alarmed you. Wild Dogs are highly carnivorous predators and in order to kill and consume their prey before having it stolen by Hyenas, they need to do it quickly.

Wow Nick, incredible sighting and incredible footage and photography! Such savagery. GREAT photo of Joy, I miss his dog/hyena show! Hope you are well, hello to you and Joy. We are good here, just returned from 3 weeks in Japan. All the best, Rob

Hey Rob! thanks for the comment. It was a really action packed morning with the wild dogs and Hyenas !
So thrilled you guys had a great trip to Japan. Your pictures look amazing.

Warm regards to you and Hillary

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