About the Author

Amanda Ritchie

Marketing Manager

Amanda is the Londolozi Marketing Manager & has been in the marketing, advertising & creative industry for 15 years & the health and wellness industry for 9 years. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Journalism from The University of Cape Town ...

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on Day 4 – Creating Space To Listen To The Wild Self

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I can keep the connection to myself by being in my garden with no expectations, but the joy of the visiting birds.

That was a great rabbit hole…..

My morning cup of tea and the quiet meditation looking out upon the desert plants and animals.

“Flowers don’t open and close according to who walks by. They embrace all of what they are and show it to the world around them.” Ahhhhh, stunning insight!! ❤️🙏🏼

Such a timely podcast – I’m busy fighting the battle – my wild side wants to work in the bush and leave the madness of corporate life behind – thank you for your inspiring chat

My “wild self” wants to be out in nature as much as possible, enjoying the plants, meadows our beautiful lake, African animals on safari…

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10 April, 2798
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