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James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on The Week in Pictures #442

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After a week of chaos in the US and police brutality it has given me some wonderful morning moments. So glad pups are growing and well, also loved the leaping leopard. than you Victoria

My thoughts exactly!

Stunning pics. Love the sunsets and of course the pups.

Great news about the wild dogs pups thriving. A few weeks (or months – hard to keep track these days) there was concern over the youngest Ntsevu lion cubs and whether or not they would survive being so much younger than their cousins. Are they all still accounted for? I counted 18 lions (excluding the Birmingham males) in the water hole photo, but could see how small cubs may not have been easily visible.

There were 2 lions in the background walking in….

Are the Nstvu pride still 20 all members accouted for?

Great pictures! My favorites are the one of the leopard pouncing on that little bush and of course the ones of the puppies. So good that they are fine. And the huge Ntsevu pride is just impressive .

We had originally planned a three night visit with you this coming Sept, but due to the Covid issues, we have postponed and rescheduled for 2021. Thank you so much for these wonderful posts, photos, stories. We are more excited than ever for our upcoming visit. We have several friends and even the adult children of a cousin whom have been at Londolozi in the past 12 -14 months. We look forward to more from you and I even extended our stay an extra day. Best Wishes,
Mitch Wise

The Ximungwe young male image was so interesting. Early morning photos/stories bring a much needed sense of peace and the order of nature to a hectic world.

Your TWIP is a much needed respite from all the chaos erupting here in the US. The videos, photos and commentary put into perspective the truly beautiful and peacefulness of the bush…. the antics of the young leopard are hilarious but the colors of the sunset are truly spectacular. Are there two cubs from the Ntsevu pride missing? I counted 20 including the B boys.

Beautiful pics. Stay safe everyone

The Londolozi blog is the highlight of our morning especially in these crazy times. The teeth on the pups and the “hops“on the Ximungwe young male leopard were eye opening for me. You really have to grow up fast in the bush.
Thanks James.

Terrific photo of the young Ximungwe boy….that sighting was delightful! And to see the Ntsevus and Birmingham boys lined up on the waterhole was fabulous!

Senior Digital Ranger

Its nice to see beautiful pictures from a Amazing place it relaxes and makes think of this happy place. Due to riots and such over here in the U.S.A. looking at the pups getting bigger and stronger and there all still together is great. Ntsevu pride is looking beautiful as ever (i love my lions). Ximungwe young male Leopard is handsome and that was a great shot of him leaping up at the bushes.. And to end the day dream before I go back to my normal life The elephants are quite beauties and they look peaceful for the time being. Thank you for these wonderful pictures…

Senior Digital Ranger

Also I meant to ask a question does anybody know if they heard or seen anything on Baba Yao ? Doa’s brother, the one who fought the 3 sala brothers back in January 10,2020. Worried about him.

Extending all gratitude for your wonderful daily dispatches from the bush. Needed and deeply appreciated!

beautiful photos, the ntsevu pride is very great and has two large males to protect them, the ntsevu long coming. happy that the puppies are all well, the elephants are really spectacular

Very much appreciate your opening line update on the pups! Seems to be a popular focus from all of us.

Any news on the Tsalala lioness and her cub??

Some magnificent images this week – shall I say, as usual! I usually read the blog on my iPhone but I had the chance to view it on a large monitor today and what a difference. The large, wide angle shots were especially stunning – the Ntsevu pride at the waterhole, the lone elephant on the airstrip, the herd in the open grasslands. Guess I should go to my desktop more often! Thank you all.

I see I’m another one who wants to know what’s going on with the other two members of the most numerous lion pack? And for puppies, I really hope that all 10 will grow up in adulthood!

Thank you! Glad to see the pups still doing well. Loved the cute little leopard cub and the Ntsevu shots.

Loved all the pics, but especially the Ximungwe male and the sapling! 😂

Great pictures guys, as always! Question regarding the Ntsevu sub-adults. Do you have a confirmed sex ratio for the sub-adults and which litter is the lioness with swollen mammary glands the mother of?

Also, wondering if all 15 sub-adults are still alive? Remember awhile back only 14 were seen

Senior Digital Ranger

With the world in such chaos… especially here in the US… there is great peace in your stories and photos. Can’t thank you all enough for the time, patience and dedication you share with all of us… I can’t wait to come back to a place that has and never will leave my heart♥️

Any update on the injured Tsala lioness & cub?

Senior Digital Ranger

Great TWIP, some beautiful watery reflections, vistas and moments. Grateful about Wild Dog pups and enjoyed leaping Leopard practicing his skills. You make such a difference to our days with these wonderfully varied photos.

What a stunning shot of the leopard- I’d never realized that they’d practiced on shrubs/trees, but it certainly makes sense.

thank you for this update!!

Hi James. Loved the pics – especially the dusty orange sunset one over the Drakensberg Range. Also enjoyed the yawning pup with its very new sharp little teeth – and of course the one of the Ximungwe Young Male doing his thing! Keep them all coming! Really helps in this Lock Down at present! Wendy M

ps the young Ximungwe male had me and my young family in stitches as he pounced on the sapling. so grateful that the natural world is carrying on so beautifully!!

Wonderful images! Loved the view of the pride drinking and the leopard pouncing on the small tree!

Amazing Pictures

Brilliant photos!!! I love the wide-angle shots of the elephants and the Ntsevu lions! And those photos of the wild dog pups are amazing!

Beautiful and soul nourishing…deep thanks.

Senior Digital Ranger

I look forward to these each week, great as always! thank you

I am soooo happy and relieved that the wild dog pups are all ok!! I loved the picture with the young male leopard! He looks like flying!!

Wow James! This is an amazing set of images! The group shot of the Ntsevu Pride is incredible. Love the artistic touch in the clouds with the Ntsevu too!

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